Mad Fat

Hello, look who’s back

Well, it’s no secret that I unfortunately still don’t have the necessary skills to make a game, so for now, I just play a little with the chats on there
With that, I decided to come up with an idea that I had had in my mind for a while.

Mad Fat - A post-apocalyptic world where being fat is the best way to survive

You can check this here
And here too

I would like to know what you thought of the idea or the bot, for me, criticism and opinions are always welcome

By the way, I’m learning how to make games, and when I finally have the ability to make one, this will be one of the themes I’ll use for a game :slight_smile:


Great Scot your Back?!, i’ve been having a pretty upsetting day until this…

Wel- you know what i goanna edit this now and now use your old name just to avoid an argument

sorry but I didn’t understand what you meant

i meant your the old name you use to go by ages go Foxfire was it?, anyway besides the point you might want to move this to projects instead of having something like this here in general discussion since this does count as a game

hmm thanks for the warning, and no, Foxfire is someone else, I actually really like her art, currently Foxfire uses the nickname Toroboro

ah my bad, it’s been too long and i miss them and their art style :sneezing_face:

lol I understand, he still publishes some works on Twitter or X, does not exist? :frowning: what username do they post under currently? take a look

The excuse I confused with Bamboo_Ale

i never used caveduck or ai chats before but decided to check this one out but have ran out of points, do i need to pay rl money to have talk?

it was getting interesting as i basicaly rolled a nat 20 on the meeting with fat runners, unless they where programmed to be friendly

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you can get points either by paying, or waiting 24 hours to get 400 for free, or by creating other bots, you earn some points every time someone interacts with your bot

It depends on the situation, they are looters so they are generally very aggressive

well, lmao, i rizzed them up 2 out of 2 times, tho the first one was lost because i needed to make an account and didnt let me load it (not my save or smth), kinda sad cuz on the first run they seemed richer

i did get stuck in a loop tho when i went to look for something, any loot or anything or the FT power and the ai stopped giving me actual replies, just wording what i said diffrently before i forced it to find something, then it created 4 characters with my name and then fell into a loop again-

Was my first time playing with a bot like this. Quite fun actually until you run out of credits :sweat_smile:
Ended up avoiding the setup scenario and just starting a raider gang. It’s a bit of work to get the bot to react to anything, but if you set them up in the right way it’s a good quick bit of fun.

I’m glad you had fun with this bot :slight_smile:
It’s a little difficult, but that’s true with all the bots on the site, especially with the 4-point AI

strange, I’ve never seen this happen, have you tried changing the Ai model?

i have not because 1. didnt know how much that would change, 2. i was saving credits h- guess i should try making a bot to earn some