The general idea behind the game is that it’s has the feeling of a TTRPG system. Everything is based around the different types of weapons you can get, with a heavy focus on “lethality”.
I’m not sure on how to implement weight gain yet, but I do want to include it. I have some basic ideas, but i need to work on the fundamentals of the game first.
Also, if you don’t know what a tactics game is, think XCOM or Into The Breach.
if you want to help out with making this, reach out with private messaging on this forum.
Once we have something to show, we will be making a separate post
I’m also looking for anyone who might be more knowledgeable on godot to teach me a bit! It would be awesome to have someone i can reach out to for this.
How much godot experience do you have?
I reccomend keeping the docs ready.
working through the step by step, making 2D and making your first 3D game section.
after that, see if you can get the hang of signals. (smth im still struggling with myself coding wise.)
If you’ve passed that, i’d recommend looking up the “await” functionality which is very nice for turn based games.
I don’t really have the time to directly mentor (and im not very good yet), but i hope this sends you in the right direction.
Feel free to send me a DM on here, i try to check daily.
did you get through it?
need a push/hand to get going?
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i would love a hand. Definitely struggling on where to get started, lol.
Each time i try to make something i end up having to scrap it because it just doesn’t work.
oh crap.
i guess i went on a little hiatus there.
I’m still available.
not sure what’s a good way to get in contact for you.