Misc ASCII Art

I don’t consider myself an artist, but sometimes I randomly get powerfully motivated to explore a medium. These ASCII arts are the result of one such episode. I don’t know under what circumstances anyone would want to use them in a game, but I thought the people here might appreciate them (and if you do want to use them, feel free).

|                                                    |
|    __( )                                           |
|    \)( ) )      o8O>                               |
|   (`(   _,)                                        |
|    \ \_____)        o                              |
|     ( ||          /( )\                            |
|                  '( | )'                           |
|        ffftf       \|/                             |
|       tft , \_                                     |
|       fC     ,__..._                               |
|       '\     \#\###-'         _,.----._            |
|     r -_'   l_ .| |         /           `-,        |
|    | /    Y    \|  |      _                `\      |
|    | \   _'_   /y  |     ( ``.               \     |
|    \ \``     ``-../       \   `-,_           |     |
|    /\ \          \         `-,_   ``  .^.   /      |
|   |  | \_         |            `--,,__,.,__,)      |
|   |  /||\ ^       |                                |
|    \             /                                 |
|     ``-._____.-``                                  |
|                                                    |

Also, now there’s this:


Copyable text and old version of the animation
  ( )    ( )    _( )     _( )   
 /  )   / ,)   |,  ))   |,  ))  
 \| |   \( .)  ( `  ,)  ((   , )
  |||    |||    \`-..'   \`.,.' 
  |||    |||     \||      \||   

 __( )       __( )     
 \)( ) )     \( )-''-. 
(`(`  _,)   ((        )
 \ \_____)   \\    -^ )
  ( ||        (` ----' 

       ,_( ) __     
    .-/(  )     `.  
   /  /`._        ) 
   \, :    `  --^- )
    (  `._______,_.  


Finicky details: They were originally composed in Menlo, but they work well in most sans-serif monospace fonts, including Consolas, the one this forum uses. Of the freely available fonts, Inconsolata is a good choice, although in that case a line height of 1.3 looks better than the usual 1.5


ASCII art is a very interesting topic because it is made by symbols found on a keyboard and takes alot of skill to try to turn then into pictures

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Looks good! I’m currently developing an ASCII game and I always like looking at ASCII art to get inspired and understand how I can utilize certain characters to express certain images. Nice work :+1:

If I find any use for them I’ll credit you, though I do see a couple I could use in a certain form later in development.


I would like to see more of this. If only there was some way to create a blobby person from this.

If I may be curious, could you give an example? Since the adjective can be applied to a wide set of characters (pun intended in both respects).

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Got struck by inspiration again a few days back, and added 3 stages to the gif. Two at the end, and one in the middle, so that she now gets much bigger (@NoNoYes if that’s what you meant, you’re in luck), and there’s now also a clear alternation between getting stuffed and getting fatter.