I don’t consider myself an artist, but sometimes I randomly get powerfully motivated to explore a medium. These ASCII arts are the result of one such episode. I don’t know under what circumstances anyone would want to use them in a game, but I thought the people here might appreciate them (and if you do want to use them, feel free).
| |
| __( ) |
| \)( ) ) o8O> |
| (`( _,) |
| \ \_____) o |
| ( || /( )\ |
| '( | )' |
| ffftf \|/ |
| tft , \_ |
| fC ,__..._ |
| '\ \#\###-' _,.----._ |
| r -_' l_ .| | / `-, |
| | / Y \| | _ `\ |
| | \ _'_ /y | ( ``. \ |
| \ \`` ``-../ \ `-,_ | |
| /\ \ \ `-,_ `` .^. / |
| | | \_ | `--,,__,.,__,) |
| | /||\ ^ | |
| \ / |
| ``-._____.-`` |
| |
Also, now there’s this:
Copyable text and old version of the animation
( ) ( ) _( ) _( )
/ ) / ,) |, )) |, ))
\| | \( .) ( ` ,) (( , )
||| ||| \`-..' \`.,.'
||| ||| \|| \||
__( ) __( )
\)( ) ) \( )-''-.
(`(` _,) (( )
\ \_____) \\ -^ )
( || (` ----'
,_( ) __
.-/( ) `.
/ /`._ )
\, : ` --^- )
( `._______,_.
Finicky details: They were originally composed in Menlo, but they work well in most sans-serif monospace fonts, including Consolas, the one this forum uses. Of the freely available fonts, Inconsolata is a good choice, although in that case a line height of 1.3 looks better than the usual 1.5