Mochi Moshi! [Active Development]

Mochi Moshi!

Hi everyone! Most of you may know me as jarringMange or LatulaLover online, but I’m Sterling owner and creator of Yummy Goods! I’m making a Visual Novel “Toy” called Mochi Moshi!

About Mochi Moshi

Mochi Moshi is a game where you guide Kazumi, a bubbly and bratty gyaru influencer girl, to different locations in your area. You play as her childhood friend, someone who has had many fond adventures with her in the past. After receiving a new phone as a gift from Kazumi’s family, your payment is to show her some place worthy enough to be posted about online for her budding social media career. Depending on where you send Kazumi will influence just how her career with grow… and much more!

The game will feature 24 full routes with 8 fully illustrated ending graphics at launch. Kazumi herself will have a feature where you get to see her body change as the weeks pass! Every route has her body built differently, so you get to enjoy a range of bottom heavy, top heavy, apple shaped or even sloven Kazumi…

This game contains Weight Gain, Breast Expansion/Growth, Ass Expansion/Growth, Hip Growth, Undersized Ripped Clothing with Fat bursting out of it, Neetification, Nerdification, Mild Slob and more!

While Yummy Goods is just me, I have a co-creator for the project who goes by the alias of “Sweaty Neet.” She’s a fantastic writer and a person who is all too familiar with the kink space. Sweaty Neet has worked on this project just as hard as I have and we’re so excited to bring this project to you guys.

Fundraiser Results

This game was originally fundraised back in August of 2021, which allowed us to blossom the project into it’s more complete state. Thanks to you guys we have some extra goodies that will come post launch including a 25th “Secret” route, and a Build-Your-Own Kazumi mode that allows you to play around with all of the various shapes of Kazumi you could and couldn’t get.

We have more plans for this game post launch, including making every ending have a custom graphic, so post launch support will be a top priority.

How to Support the Game’s Development

Ways to support this game:

If you don’t have any cash, just pay attention to my social media feeds, spread the word, or chat in this forum thread by asking me questions or just commenting general hype. This is a two person project and we both have other things going on in our life, but Mochi Moshi is an exciting adventure for us!

Questions and Other Information

If you have any questions about this project, want to know more details, or just generally want a hub of more concise and organized info, please check out this google doc containing all of the information you could want and more:
Mochi Moshi Information

If you are a 7 dollar tier member of my Patreon or Subscribe Star you get up to date and bonus information about Mochi Moshi on a consistent level as well as the ability to vote on stuff featured in the game when the time comes. Voting at the start will be for Ending Scene prompts.

If you want to spread the word you can also retweet this post here:
Mochi Moshi Reveal Tweet

If you want to see how the progress is going please support my Subscribe Star, Patreon or follow me on Twitter!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, please support me and this project! I love weight gain, I love expansion, I love so many people in this community and I want to make something that people can go back to repeatedly and enjoy something new. :heart:

As of February 18th 2024, all of the information in this post is relevant!


I’m definitely interested. Can’t promise a donation right away but if I can I def will support this in time.


Interesting, I’ll throw some money at this, hope it does well.


Thank you all for your support so far!!! AAA I appreciate it so much!!
I don’t have a proper end date for the fundraiser but expect it to at least be open for over month starting today! I wanna reach as many people as I can and keep it public and open how it’s going. No real rush to donate if you don’t have anything but this current track is making me excited to keep working on this every day until it’s done!!!
<333 Thank you again!


If you’re close to a milestone at the end of this just hit me up and I’ll pay the rest so long as it’s within 100 bucks.


Do you have a planned release date for this yet? It seems like you’re really on track with how this is going to roll out already. :stuck_out_tongue:


As a point of clarification, what exactly just each tier unlock. Is it a single image? A set of images? A new route?


Specifically with the CGs it is a single pinup full color illustrated image that will give life to a specific ending. Because each route has a different combination of weight distribution, the CG would exemplify what that route was about giving it a nice capstone reward.
Other tier rewards include a new location, making the game 4 times larger, and an extra “week” in the game play which makes it an additional 33% larger after that!
The final tier is a bonus ending that can happen in any route (after certain conditions) that give a completely different ending and ending image.

Thanks for the question I hope this cleared it up!

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There is no release date yet, as there’s still a lot of work to do, but by the time the fundraiser ends I think it’ll be at least 8-9 months but possibly less than a year. When I have a solid release date I’ll let everyone know. I wanna be faster than this but there’s a lot of drawn content if the fundraiser goes well, but in the end I won’t know until I know the complete scope of the project.

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I appreciate it! We’ll be a while from that but if we come close to anything needing to break before it’s over I’ll absolutely hit you up <3 Thank you for your incredibly generous contribution!


Totally understand that. Good luck though, excited to see this to completion. :slight_smile:


Sorry for the late reply, I don’t mind you hijacking my post since you are the creator of this game and also didn’t know that you have an account for this website. Besides, I make that post because don’t have money to donate for you (Well, actually I do have money to donate but at the same time I don’t want to waste my money too much) so that why I make that post as soon as I saw your project for this game so that I spread the word to every one of this community.


It sound absolutely perfect my credir card is broken now but expect some donation from me !




Hey no worries! You made me consider making a thread here about it and I think that was super important <3 Support whenever you helped break the barrier on this I think!


Wait a sec, this got funded? ENTIRELY funded? For all the stretch goals and everything? I was hoping this would get somewhere, but I didn’t expect it to smash every goal. Godspeed, motherfucker.


Trust me, I’m as baffled as you are. But yeah!! Everyone has supported me so incredibly well and I can’t thank everyone enough… like… damn…


Well, you’re an established artist in the community, so people know you’re not full of shit and you can at least provide some good art. I expected you to meet some stretch goals for that reason alone, I just didn’t realize how eager people were to throw money at this.


This hound says one thing
Goodluck and it seems a lot more people than you thought have faith in you


Wait… wait a minute… you’re not kidding… the gods have truly blessed us.