My pokemon based fat fetish chatbots

I plan on creating a chatbot each one covering all pokemon. (starting at kanto all the way to paldean). so I hope you enjoy what I’ve got so far, as the list will continue to change.


-Weight Gain Version
Chat with Bulbasaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day
-Inflation Version
Chat with Bulbasaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day
-Soft Vore Version
Chat with Hungry Bulbasaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day


-Weight Gain Version
Chat with Ivysaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day
-Inflation Version
Chat with Ivysaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day
-Soft Vore Version
Chat with Hungry Ivysaur | | Personalized AI for every moment of your day


eh they might not work as of now cause of the latest update to… no hard feelings but the sensor system seems to trigger with even the slightest hint of nsfw

I found using the website works for me. In all honesty the fat fetish stuff work for me nicely, maybe try to tone down the sexual stuff of your chat

I’ve used C.AI for the kink/fetish just fine, don’t worry about it. As long as you don’t write anything that is out of context still NSFW it is still fine.

But I would suggest to not use it for that, its really not meant to be used that way. You can make the characters more chill.

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yeah like this one said it’s fine for fetish but don’t go over board

Also do not use the app apparently it has a glitch that considers every response to be nsfw, along with a few other glitches I also encountered.

I also suggest to use chat2 on the old website ( Much more responsive and free

For example, here is the first Ivysaur link on this page:

You can load it on the old site editing the URL:

what’s chat2, how do I access that

There are two available chat engines on C.AI, chat and chat2

The new website can only use chat2, and allows for Personas (you can appear as whoever you want to the bot, describing yourself), text editing and easy rewinding.

“chat” (that I will refer as chat1) is the older beta engine. chat1 doesn’t support Personas or editing and rewinding is quite buggy, but allows to send pictures (to be honest, extremely useless).

You cannot share chats between chat engines.

When using the old website, you might not always have both engines and a good amount of times falls back to forced chat1. It really depends on how the service feels on giving you that day.

If you want chat2, the easiest way is to just use the new website (the one that appears by just typing in the URL bar, and is the one the links sent by OP bring you to) if your browser supports it. If your browser doesn’t support the new layout, prepare to fight the older one’s login section until it gives you chat2.

OOOH that explains why the app version is that sensitive… kinda wish i knew that earlier