NEON - V0.2 Released

Heya, v0.11 is out now!

I got a solid amount of stuff done this week. Nothing super new that wasn’t in the 3d version, since I’m still porting stuff over to the new version, but I’m hoping to have some writing in next week once I get more stuff polished.

-Added part of new combat system
-Added new basic hud for enemy data (not even close to being finished)
-Added button based interaction system that lets you interact with the world and run events.
-Added Himiko back into the game (kinda)
-Added some flavor text
-Started adding custom buttons
-Added button sfx

What The New Combat System Will Have
-The ability for me to easily create new enemies
-Can easily change the chance an enemy spawns
-Can easy change enemy stats for balancing
-Has system for player weapons and scaling off of player damage stat
-The ability to run away from enemies (You cowards :wink: )
-The ability to defend (Regains energy and buffs your defence by a fair bit.)
-Support for the ability to use items in battle.
-I can easily add new features using the new interaction system.

-Reverted the cel shading back to what it was a few updates ago, as I’m able to use it the way I want to now.
-Optimised performance by a fair bit by reducing amount of rendered cameras.

Enjoy, and Ill see you next week!


ayo new map design just dropped :wink:
Screenshot 2023-07-05 123016


v0.12 has arrived!

I got a new asset pack and removed most of the placeholder objects and UI. I’m thinking for next week I might move the map around to make it more centered and just in a larger spot on the screen. I’m also going to try and get saving and loading implemented. I keep putting it off and I just gotta get it done.

-Added backpack.
-Added sprites.
-Added enemy sprites.
-Added new enemy - air sprite.
-Added enemy abilities (one for slime and one for air sprite).
-Added Suspicious Tree event.
-Added edible berries.
-Added changing weight.
-Added foraging for berries.
-Created actual map with sprites.
-Refined the fullness system a bit.
-Updated some text box fonts.
-Removed a lot of placeholder items.

Itch Link:

Patreon Link:

See you all next week!


I meant to put this in the update post this morning but if anyone wants to give feedback or suggestions, feel free to join the discord server!

Oh hey there, V0.13 just slid into your DMs.

I didn’t get as much done as I wanted this week, as my brain decided it wanted to have not one, but two whole existential crises, so that was fun.

Saving and loading didn’t get done like I wanted, but I’m going to aim to have them out for next week with the rest of the UI revamp (hopefully).

I’m also thinking of changing the name up a little bit and just going with something like NEON instead.

Hope everyone enjoys this version and I’ll see you all next week!

-Added the first Himiko event! Science is finally making progress on the romanceable catgirl!

-Migrated text display to Rich Text Box, allowing me to have multiple fonts or even images in the text box at the same time.

-Started revamping UI again, as I’m still not happy with it.

-Temporarily moved combat ui to the bottom right until i find a better spot for it.

-Moved map around to make it more prominent and visible.

-The character name actually displays now! (literally took like 2 lines of code tops, i’m just a moron and kept forgetting to do it.)

-Added forest town.

-Added new fonts.

-Added placeholders for new shops that will be added in a later update.

Couple of new screenshots


No update this week, taking a bit of time off for mental health :heart:


Ah, yes, mental health. The one thing that always seems to get in our way whenever we want to see ANYTHING through. Wanna finish a book? MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES! Make a game? MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES! Need to pass your classes? MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES! It always goes at the worst times. Take as much time off as you need, and dagnabbit, you’d better feel refreshed afterwards! And remember… you owe us NOTHING! So feel better, okay?


I’m still alive, and I have a bit of a progress update!

After taking a bit of time off I’m getting back into development.

Ill be doing a lot of reworking of the UI and gameplay as a whole. Everything feels too clunky for my liking and I want to streamline it a bit more. Plus, art style wise, I’m all over the place.

I ended up picking up some more assets, and I’m hoping that I can improve the aesthetic and immersion a little bit and make it feel less like a tech demo. I’m hoping to have an update by next Friday, but it might be the Friday after that, depending on how many roadblocks I hit.

I think I finally have an idea of what my goal is, so here’s hoping I can make it enjoyable for all!

Hopefully see you guys next week!


Your tenacity is admirable and I root for your continued success.

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I got inspired to try out pixel art today, since I’m going for a more pixelated vibe with the game now. I plan on having a seperate body like what the player has for the NPCs so you can see their expansion and weight gain, But i needed something to give them some personality. enter, pixel art expressions, drawn by me.

I think I’m going to go back to more of a VN style of dialogue as opposed to the dialogue dumping and choices.

Here’s the piece I whipped up for Himiko just now, will probably change slightly when I do all of the expressions.

Still aiming for an update next week,

I swear the game will be in a playable state someday haha :upside_down_face:


Next update should be ready for next Friday. I’m rebuilding the inventory system and dialogue system, and then reworking the UI. I also have to rebuild the interaction system, but that shouldn’t take too long.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

​I’m still alive!

The name of the game is officially changing to NEON.

I took a bit of time off for mental health, but now I’m back to developing what was formerly known as The Neon City. I’ve finally found a style that fits and I feel like I’m heading in the right direction. There shouldn’t be any more 180s on the project unless I hit an impossibly large wall. I think I might slow down how frequently I update so I can get more content out at once instead of releasing like one new thing a week.

Enjoy! I’ll see you in a few weeks with the next update.

—New controls—

Hitting Tab or the I key opens the inventory

Spacebar and Left Click advance text in dialogue

(some of the controls are still a little bugged, I’m trying to work on a fix for that)


-Reworked entire dialogue and event system to be similar to the original 3d version (more of a Visual Novel style instead of the info dump)

-Modernised controls! (WASD and arrow key movement are now the way you move around.)

-Combat has been disabled for the time being (I’m going to put a lot more time into the backbone of the combat system this time around)

-Reworked the entire UI to make it consistent with pixel art style.

-Added new inventory system that doesn’t completely suck!

-Added music that changes depending on where you are on the map.

-Disabled the Tree event until next update.

-Added animation to the player character! (The sprite character will have some customization at some point)

-Added first face sprite for Himiko.

-Probably like 7 other things that I’m forgetting about

Itch Link: