I’ve started making monthly progress update posts for all patrons. This first post will be free for everyone if you’re curious how much has gotten done in the past month. Development has been going very well and many things are getting done. You can expect all the server-client code to be done by next month and maybe even some actual gameplay reveals.
Only now I found out the project has been revived. Welcome back, Aimi!
Will there be a restart for a discord server, or was that contributing too much to stress?
Personally, I don’t see any need for a Discord server at the moment. If there’s any real reason then feel free to explain, but no one ever really used the last one except for the community server members.
If you need announcements then just follow this thread.
Apparently something really nice happened while I was away from game development for a while.
Basically, there’s something called the Jolt physics engine. It’s pretty much just better than Godot’s default physics. Faster, more accurate, less random, etc. However, it didn’t support double precision floating point games, which is something the game needs so your character doesn’t start clipping around and falling through the map just 8 kilometers from spawn as you decay into a bunch of triangles, so the game couldn’t use it at the time.
(I’m not sure why I took out my drawing tablet for this.)
Well they added it. Godot Jolt supports double precision games now. It’s pretty much a drag and drop type of thing so Jolt will be added immediately.
And that’s not all, they also now support SoftBody3D nodes in the same update. That’s important because soft bodies are used in, well, soft bodies. Basically, more appealing interactive jiggle physics. Bellies will actually squish against walls (and people, have fun in VR), large hips will get stuck more realistically, etc.
This is more of a future feature, however, so don’t expect it to be coming very soon since the technology likely needs more time to be developed and the implementation may be difficult.
Small little preview today. Just wanted to show off the character model in-game to anyone who hasn’t seen the other forum post (as it is considered a separate project). Also, the model is gender-neutral and can be customized to look like either gender so that is why the chest is flat.
At the moment, it lacks proper texturing and a shader but this will likely be finished before the demo’s release. Character customization will not be coming out this demo but I will be setting up shape keys to make it possible to gain weight and customize your character in other ways so that it’s available before alpha.
Note that characters will not persist through demo updates. If you make a server in the early versions or play a local server, please remember to delete the database.db
file in your server files after updating.
The game’s roadmap (a list of future features and when to expect them) should be available tomorrow.
Development roadmap will be slightly delayed (coming tomorrow) as I’ve been slightly injured walking all the way home from the supermarket carrying 4 gallons of milk (thanks patrons, you are keeping a catgirl very well fed).
Definitely worth it though, considering I was weak from hunger and having a hard time focusing on anything (my family is very poor so we often run out of food). Fun tip for anyone gaining: If you drink (whole) milk instead of water every day, that’s a whole 1280 calories without any extra effort, which is over half the amount a typical person needs in a day. It also just happens to be my favorite drink.
Thanks again, Patreon supporters, for helping me not starve to death. If anyone else would like to help then please do check it out. I always make sure to spend the money wisely, especially since I don’t have much of it.
Anyways, I forgot the original thing I came to post but I hope you all have a nice day or night wherever you are. Roadmap’s coming tomorrow for sure.
Development Poll
Cancelling the roadmap for now, actually. Instead, I’d like to hear what the community would like to see from this game’s development.
Here are 3 different ways development could go:
Quick experimental versions with less polish
Moderately polished versions, a balance between 1 and 3
Less frequent but higher quality updates with more content (no demos)
Also, please note that the demos aren’t intended to be proper games, they’re more to show off everything getting worked on. You probably won’t want to play a game where all you can do is pick up and drop items and place/destroy terrain and structures without any real gameplay implemented. However, making a proper demo takes extra time so leaving out the demos does significantly reduce the time needed until the first alpha release.
The first true “enjoyable” version of the game will be the alpha release. This release will include character customization, weight gain, lactation (maybe), farming, building, and other core features.
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
I would also like to hear what features you all find most important, so please comment below with what you want to see most in this game.
New monthly progress update out on Patreon.
As a little Halloween gift, you can view this one free as well.
I hope you all enjoy. I nearly fell asleep ~5 times writing that so I need to get to bed before I collapse.
Login is all done! 
You wouldn’t believe how much work goes into making a custom account and login system for a game with proper multiplayer synchronization and all that.
(Each of these is a script with between 10 and 200 lines of code. This doesn’t even include all the UI design work, which can be viewed for free on the Patreon if you’re interested.)
Network code is very painful to do so I’m glad that’s over. Development should move much faster with that out of the way.
Next up is character creation.
You can expect:
- Race + sub-race selection
- Likely only 2 available until mid-alpha or beta.
- Weight customization
- Will likely be incomplete for the first demo.
- More sizes up to “near blob” will be added later.
- Body shape customization
- Breast size
- Hip size
- Hair, skin tone, eye color, face shape, etc
- Possibly more
To celebrate the finishing of the login system, Patreon subscriptions are now 50% off for a limited time! If you would like to support the game’s development and keep it going as well as it has been, please check out the sale. Developing a game of this scale takes lots of time and energy so it would be very much appreciated if you could donate.
The code should be displayed on the front page but if it isn’t, enter 5DCC5.
Important Notice + Special Event
There have been a few delays due to life stuff but everything is back on track.
A special event has also started for anyone interested.
You can read more in the Patreon post.
Also, if you want Patreon notifications easier, try this:
exuse me how do you get the game or atleast please give me a link to the download.
Currently wondering what sort of stuff people would like as Patreon benefits since I’ve got 3 mostly-empty tiers that mainly function just as donations at the moment, especially since the game isn’t out yet.
Regardless of whether you’re just some lurker here, an active poster, or even a current patron, I’d like to hear everyone’s ideas on what to add to the Patreon, either now in the future.
DISCLAIMER: The game will always be 100% free for everyone. Even if I add exclusive content at some point (unlikely), I give you complete permission to pirate anything I post and share it for free anywhere because, even though I don’t personally pirate games or other content, I understand that not everyone has the money to spare for subscriptions.
It isn’t released yet. It’s a pretty large project so it’ll likely be a while but a demo should be out next year.
Major Update
A brand new character model has been released. Here’s a little spoiler for anyone not yet subscribed to the Patreon.
Come check out the Patreon post for more information if you’re subscribed.
If you’re not yet subscribed, consider joining to support the game’s development. Every member counts, especially since the Patreon is still so small. With enough support, the game should be out in no time so please do consider donating. It really does help.
New free post out: Slight change of plans
As always, subscriptions are appreciated if you have any money to spare.
A few polls on monetization
Considering making progress updates free. I don’t like monetization, personally. The only reason they’re paid at the moment is because my family is very poor and I need the money to pay for food and drinks, but ironically I’m pretty sure 90% of the current supporters at the moment do it mainly to support the game and the Patreon has actually just been losing members since forum posts became less common (frequent forum posts make it easier to find the game).
Here’s a couple polls that I’ll take into consideration:
- Yes
- No
- The lowest tier is too expensive
- Currently low on money
- Patreon doesn’t support my country
- Development has been too slow
- Make a Discord server! >:(
- Other (please comment)
- I wanted to support the developer
- I wanted to speed up the game’s development
- I wanted to see the monthly progress updates
- I wanted to make the (female) developer fatter >:)
- Other (please comment)
If anyone actually votes for the fourth option… well, it’s certainly working.
- $1 USD
- $2 USD
- $3 USD
- $4 USD
- $5 USD
- $6 USD
(Current is $7 USD if anyone doesn’t know.)
Anyways, I’m currently working on a rough version of character creation. More on that soon, hopefully. Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I really don’t want to do much monetization but unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to eat without it in the most literal sense of that statement.
“If you aren’t already subbed, why?”
I’m just waiting out the ride and seeing where this goes.
(I don’t know how to quote things)
You can quote by either hitting the block quote button or typing something like this:
> quote here
Which turns to…
quote here
Thanks for the feedback, though.
Post-poll Changes
New $3 tip tier
As much as I would like to make the bronze tier cheaper, tier prices are based on estimated server costs, so it’s instead a separate tier that won’t include a server for anyone who just wants to support the game.
All previous Patreon posts are now free
I am probably going to lose a lot of money short-term for this, though, so if you’re willing to donate then please do, it would help a lot. Click here to check out the Patreon.
Shorter but more frequent posts on the forum
Writing long posts once a month is pretty stressful so instead, there will instead be a post any time anything notable is completed. Basically, imagine each section of a typical monthly progress post being posted individually across the month as they come out instead of all at once in a single post.
Anyways, sorry to the 7% of people who say development is too slow. I am doing my best but making a properly networked multiplayer game of this scale takes a lot more time than you may think. Multiplayer is hell for most developers but it’s very important to me so it’s what I specialize in, as difficult as it is.
I am getting better at working more often and being more mentally stable, though, so hopefully development will be speeding up. The extra food from the donations is very helpful but I could certainly use more if anyone would like to go and become a patron. It really does help a lot with my mental health.
Additionally, once the basic framework for character creation and joining/disconnecting from the game is complete, development should be much faster since that’s the hardest part. It’s roughly the difference between making a quick mod for a game and developing your own game from scratch. There’s a reason many people just make fat mods instead of making a whole new game.