✨ [New Tier] Faehna Engine - 3D multiplayer fetish sandbox survival

About (Updated Feb 2025)

Faehna Engine is a highly customizable open source sandbox survival game where you play a fantasy character and survive in a hostile procedurally generated world with friends.

Whether you’re just playing with your partner or you have a large group of friends, Faehna Engine should be great for you. If you’d prefer to play solo, there will be a special mode for that, too.

In the beginning, you start with nothing, but as you progress, you’ll go from sharpening stones for tools to building a bloomery and working ore bloom into ingots and then tools. Progression is meant to be realistic and loosely based on Terrafirmacraft and Vintage Story while still keeping to the fantasy theme.

However, there are many different ways to progress in the game, and many more things that you can do on the side. Try to focus less on progression and more on having fun with what you already have. The game gets harder as you progress, and monster invasions or other negative events may set you back or even destroy your village.

Worlds are fully customizable. All terrain can be dug up and placed elsewhere. Trees can be chopped down for wood and seeds then replanted. Stone can be mined and prospecting can be used to locate large ore veins underground as you explore the world.

You can gain weight as well as improve your stats through farming the many different crops you’ll encounter in your adventures and learning to make better foods with different cooking methods and combinations of ingredients.

Customization is one of the biggest parts of the game. Whether you want to play as a massive lactating catgirl, a pregnant furry*, or just a simple male human, there are tons of possibilities. Since the character model is open source, you can propose your own races to be added to the game if you make the model and write the lore for it. Keep in mind you must own the rights to any model added so that it can be published under the proper license.

*Note: Furry models are a lot different from the human base model so this will take a while unless someone would like to create one themself.

Confirmed Fetishes

Fetishes in bold will be added by the first alpha release.

  • Weight Gain
  • Lactation
  • Vore
  • Pregnancy

Support the Game’s Development

I’m currently unemployed and that’s pretty rough, especially since I can’t afford medications that I need at the moment. If you’d like to help and support the game’s development then please check out my Patreon. It would really help a lot even if you don’t decide to donate very much.

You can get some pretty nice benefits, including:

  • Up to 3 Faehna Engine servers (available after the first alpha release)
  • Access to the game’s demo server (available after the first alpha release)
  • Exclusive in-game cosmetics
  • and more…

Even if you don’t have any money to donate, you can still follow this thread (click the bell icon on the right and set to Watching) for news and to participate in polls that have a real effect on the game’s development.


Interesting! What fetishes are featured/planned besides weight gain?

This looks quite promising

Definitely interested, let’s see where this goes, then.

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This game actually looks like it will be a banger of a game, I’m curious if online will be server online or hosted server online either way I can’t wait to play this with my friends

Made some changes to terrain generation since I was bored of rewriting old code and felt like posting it.

Mountains now only generate in ridges instead of taking up like 2/3 of the map. Looks a bit bad in the screenshot since I haven’t implemented materials or true biomes yet, but in the future there will be much more variance in the terrain.


I mean from what I’ve seen from preg kink there are several ways around the child part, especially in a fantasy setting. Most people with preg kink don’t care for children either, so there are quite a few tropes to draw from. The most popular one I see are slime pregnancies, and I’m sure the interested parties could provide more examples.

Like, this is a world you are constructing. The rules are whatever you want them to be.

Oh, well probably should have read that most recent post oops. I’d recommend putting the code in a public repo for anyone who wants to tinker with it rather than having us message you or something. Makes it much more likely that someone will pick it up instead of it being lost to the void of cyberspace.


Thanks. With the amount of work you seem to have put into it it’s worth giving it the best opportunity to flourish, no matter how unlikely. I hope you can find peace and happiness with the new direction your life has taken.

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I think I was in the discord, but not anymore, and it seems i can’t rejoin. hope it wasn’t deleted or i was just kicked for inactivity, though i was set to lurker.

It is a shame that the game’s development has been put on indefinite hiatus. Hope someone else comes along and tries to pick it back up or use it for a new project


Well that’s just unfortunate

It’s kind of bizarre that people are still posting on this abandoned old post but I guess I’ll give an update because things have changed.

The game is being revived :tada:. I am less mentally unstable and I was pushing myself too hard back when I was working on it before. I was honestly working on it at that point out of obligation rather than genuinely enjoying what I was doing. I’m doing much better now just working on it on my own in private.

The game has been completely redesigned and many things have changed significantly since it was last publicly worked on. The new version places more emphasis on smaller servers and playing with friends, as well as being able to design worlds with custom content.

It’ll come when it’s ready, no release date or anything.




Pregnancy Fetish Polls

I’m still unsure how to implement pregnancy so I’d like some feedback from the people interested in the game. I can’t guarantee that the result will be exactly how the poll wants it to be but it will affect how I approach this issue.

Context: As the game is open source, everyone has access to the code and all other resources used in the game. This is pretty great for most purposes, but it also means that if someone is particularly evil, they can add some pretty messed up things to the game, including illegal content. I am, of course, not legally responsible for anything they make, but I would at least like it to be difficult to mod in. The problem with pregnancy is that potentially means adding children to the game and there are many ways that can go wrong.

Are you into pregnancy?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

If you answered yes to the previous question:

Which option do you think would be best?
  • Add children but make it difficult to modify them for illegal purposes.
  • Only add pseudopregnancy (no children).
  • Don’t add pregnancy.
0 voters

EDIT: Also check out the new main post, it’s updated to match the current game plans.

EDIT 2: If you have any ideas for pseudopregnancy types or other ways to avoid the child issue (aside from them just immediately becoming adults), please comment below.

EDIT 3: Wow that suddenly gave me some awesome ideas for an alternate magic system based around pregnancy.

Great to see you haven’t given up on the game, is such an interesting idea. Hope to see good progress and hope it goes well. No stress, enjoy developing the game as much as you would when playing it

For the idea of after pregnancy, players could, or are required to build cribs, and grow to full after a few days

Pseudopregnancy could imply carrying something like biomass that could be sold, sorry if it sounds weird

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The “pregnancy soul magic” concept for anyone who’s wondering:

Context: Canonically, this universe has an issue with souls. Without getting too deep into soul lore, souls are basically “running out” over time, as there is only one way they are replenished but over many many years (millions to trillions), the universe slowly dies as having a child becomes more and more difficult due to the lack of souls.

With the pregnancy magic system, you would be able to create souls in your womb and be able to use special varieties of magic through the energy received from birthing those souls. You can also use the energy to “birth” special items that can be used for other purposes. If you want, you can also just passively keep a lot of souls in you if that’s all you’re interested in or you just want to roleplay a pregnant character without giving birth in 9 months (or however long the race you’re playing takes to give birth).

Also: Mpreg makes no sense lore-wise and I have no idea how mpreg would work biologically either but let’s just let people have their fantasies and allow it.


Apparently the Patreon link was malformed before so it was unclickable. I’ve fixed it now so if you would like to support me and the project then you can either go to the main post or click here to go directly to the Patreon. Thank you to anyone who goes and checks it out even if you don’t decide to buy a subscription.

I like it! Gives you the Thing without actually having the Thing.

I also know from third-party experience with the eroge game Corrupted Kingdoms that Patreon will freeze your account if you put children in the game, so this concept fits well with getting around that issue.