New to VR

Do you have any recommendations for VR games? I already own FO and Skyrim VR, NMS and H3VR. I’m just looking for fun games to play, fat stuff is not necessary, but it’s certainly a plus

virt-a-mate is VR but it’s really just good for porn not gaming

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Blade and Sorcery and Half Life: Alyx are good

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Best to probably just go right down the top lists and get all the usual stuff, like Beat Saber, Blade & Sorcery, whatever.
VR interactive lewd stuff is surprisingly not that fleshed out, but I think your best bet there is to play one of those “VR animation builder” things like Virt-A-Mate or Waifu Sex Sim (or whatever it’s called) and start downloading all the lewd stuff you want.
I guess you could also go nab some lewd VR Chat avatars, though I think all the good ones are either paid or hidden away in some private world that nobody’s accessed in a year. The furries definitely have a couple public ones at least, though the quality varies.