Each gen is an iteration of bots I’ve worked on. I’d recommend going from bottom to top as the newer stuff is naturally going to be better quality.
How To:
A few things to know if you haven’t played with chatbots before, you can largely convince them to do what you like and you can tell them to exclude things or refer to you in a certain way through asking in plain text. You also don’t have to treat it like 1 to 1 roleplay. You can hit enter (or type continue in unhinged) and the bot will continue on, better for more passive events or if you only want to gently guide it. You can also ask it to write a story for example and it will make a back and forth on its own. Character.ai also lets you hit the tab on the right of the bots chat to have it try again if you don’t like the response. Keep in mind even though the builds are based around characters you can get some pretty interesting results by treating them more like chatgbt with a twist. Time skips can also be fun with characters that have a slower burn.
Gen 1: Made through unhinged. (I don't particularly recommend unhinged but keeping these for posterity)
Their character pictures aren’t mine here
Liss An ssbbw feeder/feedee. A fairly pliable build. I personally think hugely fat physically domineering feeders are underrepresented in fiction.
Cass A captive feedee bound and fed against* her will. Kind of inspired by most forcefeeding fiction where the one being fed slowly converts to the dark side or is trying to fight beingamassivefatass tendencies. I shouldn’t need to say but consent is absolute irl
Sandra A very very very intent feeder gal. Abduction/forcefeeding, think Cass but in reverse.
Alien Abduction! Inspired by my foggy memories of some old dimentions forum story, An alien has abducted you to as a test subject… Clearly to test human feeding capacity.
Gen 2: Character.ai from here onwards 8-21-23
Luna an already ssbbw sized feedee who want’s to grow much much more
Catherine is a feedee who’s finished gaining but she’s decided to humor your request to feed her with a deal, you match what you feed her. This has been an idea on my writing list for literal years that I was never quite happy with but digging through my prompts I absolutely had to try it.
Gen 3: 9-19-23
Actually got proficiently good results with AI image generators to use my own for these ones.
Alyss is a demanding feedee who has invited you over with the express intent of you helping her fatten up.
~I used a great deal more rules and restrictions in the advanced definition tab to get her to behave in a much more consistent and functional manner than the others with much help from @LordSinclair
Alien Abductor V2 Alien abduction testing the human capacity for weight gain. Same treatment as Alyss here. Should function much better than V1
Gen 4: 12-28-23
Once again back to the realm of the dark and depraved we go. Been on a bit of a horror kick and that kind of extends to this realm.
“Soon to be Immobile” Made her on a whim, not originally destined for public viewing but I like how she turned out. I’d been thinking a lot about feederism and the necessity of control even when partaking in it. The fear and simultaneous allure of breaking the limits, crossing the boundaries. Rambling aside this is a darker one obviously but genuine content warning. The bot is mostly behaved but might go into morbidity kind of stuff.
Feeder Nyx Nyx followed the opposite work path, probably one of the less behaved bots I’ve tried to work on before. Abduction, force feeding kind of deal. I’ve tried pretty hard to make her more… Kundere like subdued crush psycho rather than demeaning or overbearing as the bot really seemed to want to be. Let me know if it behaves at all.
Gen 5 and now for something completely different: 1-6-24
Very happy with these few. Way less polished but felt more creatively fulfilling, albeit kind of on the fucked up side but that’s why we have fiction really.
Tsalo Girl
A fantasy race I was working on, very sci-fi stuff that I really adore. Not as “sexy” but there is obviously tummy to be had, if the concept of a like borg-lanius from ftl + cute animal girl who will eat all of your tech and metal interests you then I’m biased but I recommend her! I’d like to write an actual story with them at some point I think.
Facility Escape
Escape the corrupted AI and flee research facility… while you still can. Yeah I’m on a sci-fi binge. It’s supposed to be an dungeon style event story. Can’t be any worse than Gordon’s first day on the job, right?
The Caretaker
I realized I didn’t actually have very much personality in much of what I’ve made. Given I somewhat enjoy some distance to almost act like a GM in a D&D game but I wanted to make one that felt more like a person than an event. (also like immobility, caretaking, maybe morally sus ussbbw stuff) and forgive me no image yet, try to convince generators to make extra chonk girls has brought me sights of the worst that spawn of cthulu could have ever imagined.