This is probably my first real post here, so ill try and be brief. I’ve noticed an odd trend in weight gain and inflation games… okay mostly inflation, where weight gain/inflation is caused by DAMAGE or is something that in game terms, you would want to avoid, which i find somewhat odd. The main examples i can give are rikis inflation game (a VERRRRYY old game which literally did this, either the sentry turrets did direct damage and thus were satan incarnate, or inflated you which could cause damage at excesses.) and a side scrolling platformer that i cant remember the name of, but it was posted here relatively recently (weight gain/inflation outright IS the damage.) I’m not exactly complaining about these games, but i personally prefer games where expansion is the goal, not, mechanically at least, a punishment. Ive been finding a ROUGHLY 50/50 split, though thats just what ive seen in my rather limited time on the site. Then again, another trend ive seen is the afforementioned mechanical punishment via expansion being mainly in side scroller type games where more detailed systems and such either wouldnt make sense in gameplay (the complexity of the weight may be jarring with simpler stereotypical platformer style graphics, as well as not really meshing, to the point that any real attempt to make it have MECHANICAL significance would really result in it STILL being a punishment (like in a platformer, increased weight making the controls clunkier, for people who are into that level of detail in weight gain its a good thing. for people wanting to see the whole game it’d force them to keep the character thin as a rail.) though still, the more granular games tend to be a bit rarer on this sight as far as i can tell. Less of a real complaint request post, more just something ive noticed.
tldr; Platformers and such tend to have weight gain as a punishment and are more common (being a bit or a lot easier to make) while granular gamess, ie, fetish master either have it as a good thing, or have no real end goal, thus leaving it capable of being good or bad depending on how they play the game.
tldr for the tldr; platformers more simple wg systems, fetish master style=usually more complex.
sorry for any formatting issues or tone issues, just thought id put this out there.