Old game anyone remembers?

Hey there, I haven’t really done this before so excuse this if anything is tagged wrong/in the wrong place. I just wanted to ask if anyone (mainly people from Britain) had heard of an old online game called “Yoobot vs Yoonot”. It was a game made by the ‘British Heart Foundation’, and essentially it was to promote healthy eating. It was an online game that was around for a fair few years, though it’s been taken down now- essentially you could make your character of yourself eat poorly + do lazier activities and they would gain weight over the next few days, or if you made them active and eat healthy, they would stay fit.
It was a pretty fun and good system, I was wondering if anyone had a way to play it again or perhaps even use the system in place if anyone could access it.


first time i heard about this game and i live in the u.k, their was also fightbox that was bbc three show that made a game and had you complete to be on a leaderboard so you could be on the show



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Unfortunately, the wayback machine does not have adobe flash supported

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Yeah I tried the wayback machine, seems like it’s been wiped off the planet otherwise

A friend of mine is in the lost media discord server and they’re asking if anyone can find it. So far there seems to be a bit of a roadblock because the game requires login information.

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