Onikusato Shooting Game / Image Shake Application Translation and Download Script

What is it?

First things first: All credit to Kiida and all others mentioned in the credits of each page.

Also, the original raw files are from his blog site here for free (if you can get past the region lock/account verification):

Now, without further ado, this is about two applications/web pages that already have threads here on the forums:

Both of these are quite fun and have a ton of effort put into them. But, unfortunately the website host (fc2.com) has made it harder to access, and the games are only in Japanese. Things like this can sometimes vanish, so I made a quick script to download a local working copy of each page. Additionally, I have translated each as much as possible without actually editing graphic files, which should make both more accessible.

Game Plot

In the year 20XX, a city in Asia found that the obesity rate of its’ citizens started increasing. According to an investigation that was launched by the Food Production Union to determine the cause of this, they found trace amounts of “weight gain serum” mixed into currently sold food items. Upon reaching this discovery, the existence of the company that had perpetrated the covert plan was exposed - “Kinoda Foods”. As their food was uncontaminated, the Kinoda company’s food was much more effective for dieting. As such, now, the citizens blindly trust the Kinoda company. On the other hand, the citizens directed their anger at the other food companies that have now gone insolvent as a result. The Food Production Union, fearing a collapse of the industry, assembled a private military group in absolute secrecy to fight against Kinoda - codename “Overweight Force”. The order was given for the team to destroy the contaminated food and erradicate the Kinoda company.


If you just want the files, you can download them here:

Translated Files:

Note: I did not translate any images, only actual text. It should be mostly playable. Additionally, some words are made up, so it’s anyone’s guess they are supposed to mean (e.g. ăƒă‚€ă‚Șă‚łăƒŒăƒł → Biocorn)
Onikusato_ImageShakeApplication_Translated.7z (157.4 KB)
Onikusato_ShootingGame_Translated.7z (8.5 MB)

Raw Files (Japanese):

Onikusato_ImageShakeApplication_Raw.7z (157.4 KB)
Onikusato_ShootingGame_Raw.7z (8.5 MB)

To Download the files directly from the site yourself (advanced)

If you would like to run the download script yourself, you can follow these steps (Note: requires the ability to use the command line, install command line utilities and is generally a bit complicated):

  1. Install a VPN with the ability to connect to a Japan. Connect to any option in Japan. You will need a Japanese IP for this process to work.
  2. Go to https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/ and click the big red button when it appears (if you are over 18, that’s what this is asking you to confirm).
  3. Once you click this, you will be redirected the blog.
  4. Install an extension to allow you to export cookies to a .txt file. I used this.
  5. How to export cookies will depend on which extension you use, but for the one above, navigate to the blog and click the extension’s icon when you are on the page. Then, click “export cookies for fc2.com”.
  6. This will save a .txt file somewhere on your computer, probably your downloads folder.
  7. Move this to where you want to download the games, preferably in a blank folder.
  8. You will need to have the command line programs xargs, wget and awk installed.
    • For Linux, these should mostly already be installed, but if not can be added with you package manager with the names above.
    • For Windows:
      • You need MinGW installed. The install I got as part of git included it, but it probably can be downloaded separately.
      • Next download wget.exe and place it next to your cookies file.
  9. From the folder with your cookie file (mine is named “cookies-fc2-com.txt”, change the name of yours to match if different), open a terminal and run the following command while connected to the VPN:
    • Linux: wget -nc --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt -N -prk --level=10 https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/index.html && wget -nc --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt -N -prk --level=10 https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/game.html && awk 'BEGIN { RS="}" } NR==3 { print $0 }' onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/JSs/load.js | awk '{ gsub(/\r/, ""); if (index($0, ":")) { print substr($2, 3, length($2) - 4) } }' | xargs -P 10 -I {} wget -nc -x --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/{} && awk 'BEGIN { RS="}" } NR==2 { gsub(/\r/, ""); print $0 }' onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/JSs/load.js | awk 'BEGIN { FS="\"" } { if(length($2) > 1) { print $2 }}' | xargs -P 10 -I {} wget -nc -x --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/{}

    • Windows: ./wget.exe -nc --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt -N -prk --level=10 https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/index.html && ./wget.exe -nc --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt -N -prk --level=10 https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/game.html && awk 'BEGIN { RS="}" } NR==3 { print $0 }' onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/JSs/load.js | awk '{ gsub(/\r/, ""); if (index($0, ":")) { print substr($2, 3, length($2) - 4) } }' | xargs -P 10 -I {} ./wget.exe -nc -x --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/{} && awk 'BEGIN { RS="}" } NR==2 { gsub(/\r/, ""); print $0 }' onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/JSs/load.js | awk 'BEGIN { FS="\"" } { if(length($2) > 1) { print $2 }}' | xargs -P 10 -I {} ./wget.exe -nc -x --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/{}

  10. The files should now be downloaded in the folder onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/fats7/. Open index.html in your browser to use.
  11. Rename the folder that the game is in if you want to download the other file (it will download with the same name). If you don’t, you can stop here.
  12. Run the following command:
    • Linux: wget -nc -prk --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/yurepro/index.html
    • Windows: ./wget.exe -nc -prk --load-cookies=cookies-fc2-com.txt https://onikunosato.x.fc2.com/games/yurepro/index.html
  13. This one is much simpler, but is also run the same way - opening index.html in your browser.



Really appreciate this man! wouldn’t have found these gems if it werent for this post


there was one for this game on here long ago

you have creative brain man