Update Notes:
New Features:
- Further reworking the level curve to make the game much easier and more reasonable.
- 2 new gym leaders, and the elite 4!
- A bunch of new obtainable pokemon, including never before seen mons!
- A COMPLETE! 5+ HOUR GAME EXPERIENCE!!! Thank you all. See the new post for more details.
Everything below is for archive purposes only.
Hello all! I’ve made a post about it once before, But I have just recently finished making a sprite for every fully evolved pkemn currently in the game in the Glutga Region. This is a pkemn region centered around weight gain, with occasional other fetishes sprinkled in. I’ve also put in a lot of work into designing the region on the whole, the specific style of gameplay I’m looking for, pkemn stats, abilities, and moves, and more. At this stage, I’d say I’m ready to begin working on actually implementing them into a pkemn essentials game, however, I’m also looking to better sort out the story through RP.
TLDR: Glutga region has a dex! I’m going to start working on an actual game in the universe, and am looking for help doing so. If you’re interested in the region, but wouldn’t want to help with the game, or wait for it to come out, you can join an RP set there.
A link to a planning document with a lot of the information about the project so far can be found
(Deprecated) (edit: has comments on, so you can make any notes you might have known) and a gallery with the fully evolved sprites can be found (Deprecated) (Has spoilers, unfortunately, it is in dex # order and this means a lot of the older sprites with redos planned are first, so bear with me please)
Here are the current plans with things prioritized by importance:
so uh there used to be a huge list of things here.
Most of it has either been completed already or is being done over the course of development
so that’s pretty sweet
And, if you’d like to discuss the game beyond what would be appropriate for the forum, here is the discord server:
And finally, a gallery of some of my favorite sprites from the region so far, and the map!
Hope y’all enjoyed checking out my project! looking forwards to any feedback you may have, and hoping to find people to participate in the RP (already have a few friends from elsewhere who will be) and help work on the game!