Panic Diet! (upcoming runner game)

Well an interesting mechanic is that you gain endurance as you go to lower weight stages, so that seems to explain why even getting just two endurances made it difficult to get the 41 kg to 50 kg. It also seems to add as time goes on as well, though I can’t say the same for the calorie burns.
Also I have reached past 2000 meters and no new food yet so the burgers may just be the final food item, however the troll version of them seemed impossible to avoid as they move just enough to make judging the jump tricky. Maybe more practice can yield results though I still think she doesn’t need to lose it that badly.


Managed to lose twice her highest weight and almost three times her smallest size and even went so far yet exercise is futile as seen here (not the sheer amount of jumping donuts and troll burgers that tricked me near the end, she stay that weight regardless). I wonder who can beat this as I had so many endurance (I think 5 or six) and three calorie burns to that made near unstoppable. Goodluck to any…:wink: