PWGD (Twine text dungeon RPG) [ver 0.5.0a-wip2.1 (2024/Jun/08)]

excited for more content to come, but cool to see the game grow outwards a bit (pun intended)

I’ve noticed a crash on a loaded save though, when I try to enter a dungeon, there’s an error thrown and nothing happens. I’m unsure if it happens with new saves; I realize now that I didn’t try that yet


Hi! There haven’t been many updates lately, but I’m doing my best!
Right now, I’m implementing moves. I’ve only selected and implemented “basic” moves, but I’m still struggling with easily over 200 moves. So I have some thoughts, so I’d like to ask you some questions:

  1. Until now, I had planned to release 0.5.0a in two parts: a wip version that only implements moves & evos, and a complete version that also includes new stories, dungeons, etc.
    However, due to the amount of work involved in moves, I decided to split the wip further into wip1 of move, wip2 of evolution. This will allow you to play the new build faster, but it will require more work. (Because the data versions are not compatible).

  2. This is an announcement. I’m thinking of changing the title Poke… to PWGD. It’s a copyright game after all, also keep away from ordinary people to accidentally end up here.

  3. I’m thinking of creating my own discord server. Rather than this game, it’s more of a general server for the things I make. I think it might be easier to report small dev progress that way.

That’s all for now. So please wait a little longer until the next update…

Extra silly stuff


File:Tropical - 18 Arcanine (Growlithe).jpg - Bootleg Celebi


Finally new update!!

Sorry for the wait! Almost a month late! But I managed to finish it and am happy to show you the new update.
The main changes are the addition of a large number of moves and the associated talks.
Be careful, though, as there are some moves that exist but have no effect yet.
There are various other things to be aware of. For more information, please ask the NPCs in the game…

And then there’s the move learning system. The move learning system is already almost complete, except for the vendor.
Also, tutor is almost complete! There are only two at the moment… First, ask Growlithe to teach you Body Slam.

And the damage calculation for the player has changed. You can now feel the difference in move power more than before. But maybe that makes the balance even weirder… I’ll wait for feedback on this.

Finally, we are currently investigating a bug regarding the mystery room exit. If you get to a strange place, please let us know. In this version, you will have 10 invitations from the beginning, so please meet Cubone many times.

Well, that’s it. I hope you enjoy it. …Now, I’m going to play another pokemon game on this site…


Got to try this new update, i keep loving the extra dialogue details you are giving and im glad i can look up for the future to help Growlithe pay the broken wall.

The ideas for moves is looking pretty good, i havent played many of the recent games, so i didnt know there were so many moves now. I also like the idea of using fat or filling your enemy for moves. I got Water Gun to try and fill an enemy but they took like 4 turns to KO and i wasnt sure if it got KOed or filled. While throwing a simple Apple filled them instantly.

The move you get from the Cubone is very cute and hope to see more like that, i assume for the future, an enemy can fill you and it will have more use in battle, or else i would say to use it in the dungeon map menu.

I went many a time to the small plains and always used the invitation but never saw any problems with it, so i cant help you find any bug.

Last time you said something about your job, are things better now, do you need any support? I hope things are going good and im happy you keep doing updates.

What is the other pkmn game you are playing here on the site?


He’s probably referring to pokemon lard


Has the Pikachu fat descriptions been updated yet? Along with Bulbasaur?


Omg :smiley: finally, my massive eevee girl is happy for this (i think i need to have a rest of this game, my eevoo… she has more of 400 kgs [or close to being 900 pounds])

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Wow, this game has grown a lot since I last looked at it! I noticed the bulletin board had a list of moves that needed flavor text, so I thought I’d try my hand at a few.

Body Slam
Normal: You take a running start and jump at your opponent, crashing into them at full force. The impact sends the enemy sprawling, but it’s pretty painful for you as well. It seems like this technique would work better if you had more weight to throw around…
Fat: You take a running start and jump at your opponent, crashing into them at full force. Although it’s not exactly comfortable, you can feel some of the impact being absorbed by the layer of cushioning you’ve accumulated. You wonder if adding some more would make the move stronger…
Obese: You take a running start and jump at your opponent, crashing into them at full force. It’s tough getting your body up to speed, but once it’s there, it’s a force to be reckoned with. You can feel the (pokemon) bounce off your body, barely even altering your path. You can’t help but wonder how powerful this move would be if you were even larger…
Massive: You slowly persuade your massive body to move forward, and are able to achieve something that sort of resembles running. With all your effort, you leap into the air, and your massive shadow looms over the (pokemon). Their eyes widen as they realize what’s about to happen to them, but it’s far too late to stop it. You barely feel anything as the two of you collide and the (pokemon) is sent flying backwards.
Normal: You charge towards the (pokemon), nimbly zig-zagging back and forth as you approach. You manage to catch them off guard and land a powerful blow straight to the face.
Fat: You charge towards the (pokemon), zig-zagging back and forth as you approach. Your opponent is able to keep up with your movements, however, and manages to defend themself. You can’t help but think that this would work better if you were a bit thinner…
Obese: You charge towards the (pokemon), clumsily zig-zagging back and forth as you approach. Your opponent is easily able to track your movements, and has plenty of time to prepare themselves as you go in for the hit. You’re sure this would be easier if you weren’t carrying so much extra flab.
Massive: You trundle towards the (pokemon) in a wobbly line. Your attempts to weave around them only serve to exhaust you as your bloated form drags you down, and they easily parry your blow. There’s no way you can outmaneuver anyone at this size…
Giga Impact
Normal: You charge towards your opponent, a burning sensation rippling through you as you call upon your own adipose to further enhance your attack. A sound like a thunderclap emanates through the room as you connect with your opponent, dealing massive damage to the and thoroughly exhausting you.
Insufficient Body Fat: You charge towards your opponent, attempting to draw upon your caloric power, but there just isn’t enough there. You end up feeling hollow and drained as you slam your body into the (pokemon) and are left stunned as you try to catch your breath.
Hyper Beam
Normal: You take a breath and fire a powerful beam at the (pokemon), the fat dissolving from your body as calories are converted into energy before you. The room lights up as the white-hot beam slams into them, engulfing them whole. The ordeal is exhausting, however, and you need to take a moment to regain your strength.
Insufficient Body Fat: As you take a breath, you feel a hollow pang in your gut, your body warning you that this might not be a good idea. Undeterred, you press on, only to find a weak pulse of energy where you expected a devastating beam to be. The painful hollowness reverberates through your body, and the pain forces you to rest a moment.

I’m very happy to see so much progress being made, and I can’t wait to see where the game goes from here.


I think the scene where Growlithe repairs the wall she destroyed will be implemented around ver. 0.7.0.a when the equipment is implemented.

I made the Water Gun because I thought it would be interesting if it could be used for that purpose. However, hunger filling is a side effect, so it may not be very useful. I may need to tweak it a bit.
In the future I would like to create moves specifically for filling and fattening…

When Lard type first saw the light of day! I’m glad you liked this move!! I want to make this kind of move, as well as refresh and sword dance, available in outside battles. But how…?

Maybe it will happen if you mix going through the dungeon with going directly from the town? However, I’ve actually made some fix to make it work more stably, so it might be less likely to happen. (I hope it’s fixed completely now…)

For now it’s ok, but if you need help with any development, please see the bullet board in town (in game).


Not yet. Just like when Massive was implemented. Please wait more…

Thanks! I immediately implemented it. We will continue to provide more and more help, so please continue to support us.


Personally I feel like more could be done with the wall staying removed as it being rebuilt seems like it would just break again unless you have a specific scene being played out in mind. While I do appreciate the move system being revamped and reworked I just want to give some advice and say try to not split your focus too much and try to focus on specific parts of the move system you really want done first before doing another big blanket spread like you did this time Because it’s far better to have shallow but deep content rather then then a ton of content but it doesn’t go very far. Not trying to derail your plans or tell you what to do but it’s just a problem I see far too many newer creators make a ton of stuff but it all ends up being shallow and being unfocused.
TLDR Focus on chunks at a time instead of trying to do everything at once


Just to clarify I am enjoying this Just dont want you to overwork yourself but doing doing too much at a time

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Hi everyone.

I was just preparing the discord server. And I created an invitation link for 1 day as a test. If you would like to join the test, please come.
(The expiration time has passed.)

Once it’s stable, I’ll recreate a link for everyone.

Does that mean you’re worried about me? Thank you, and I think it’s okay for now.
By the way, I added quite a lot of moves this time, but the ones that are actually focused on are mainly those introduced on the bulletin board. Other than that… well, I guess it’s like it’s over once the effects are implemented? I’m planning to do balance adjustments once everything is ready.


I just joined the Discord server, but I am unable to chat as I cannot verify my phone number.

This account is an alternate account specifically for interacting in fatfur/inflation spaces, since I don’t want that kind of content to be associated with my main account. However, due to the way Discord’s mobile authentication works, I can’t use the same phone number on multiple accounts. Since my phone is already being used for my main account, this means I won’t be able to verify my account.

In order to fix this, you can change the verification level under the ‘Safety Setup’ tab in server settings. Any setting that doesn’t require a phone for verification will work for me, so anything except the very bottom option.

Of course, it’s entirely up to you whether you feel comfortable doing this. I’ll be happy to contribute to this project whether it’s here on the forums or in the Discord server, and even without being able to chat, I should still be able to see other people’s messages and any announcements you post.


I’m here to report that I have created My discord server.
The link itself has no expiration date, but I may end the publication without prior notice.

New update!

Long awaited evolve update! Finally you can evolve!
All of the races implemented in previous versions are able to evolve to the final stage.
If you progress through the currently implemented story to the end, certain NPC will appear, so talk to him.
There may be some parts of this version that are difficult to understand. If so, please let me know, I’ll try to improve it.

And the shop has been updated! Now you can really sell items.

In the next version, we plan to add new dungeons, a shop, etc. … but it will be late. I’m going to take a break for a while.
I hope that the increased number of races will allow you to enjoy the game for a longer period of time…


So, wait, how do I evolve? All I can access is the first two dungeons.

If i had to guess, the envelope event in the first dungeon.

Quick bug fix!
Attention! I just fixed a bug where items were sold at regular price instead of unique price.
Please play newly uploaded wip2.1. There are only a few changes, so I think you can use the wip2 data.

(Yes. I set the joy seed to 10000P to test the unique 120P price. I think it’s probably fixed now.)

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When you get to the end, Lucario will appear on the training ground, so talk to him. After a certain talk, Altar of evolution will be added to your destination. Also, ask him about another evolve requirement item.

Yo, that’s a good guess! (Unfortunately, it’s slightly wrong.)


I used a save from last version and it seems that now both Kecleon and Lucario’s shops don’t work for me.