Pokemon weight gain game questions

Well, you could always make Winry a Marowak. Unless you consider the orphan part outside your morality, instead of just the age? Also, might I float the idea that evolution doesn’t have to be seen as adulthood - just like you could have a level 100 Cubone, just by keeping it from evolving, you could theoretically have an adult that just didn’t evolve (unless evolution is an inevitable part of ‘leveling up’ in years in your canon, and not something that could be suppressed - like a person growing up, but never really maturing as a person). It might even be an interesting world-building thing, having Pokemorphs without evolutions be the sort where they are the ‘old soul’ or naturally mature/stable/‘put-together’ type, while Pokemorphs that are from species that have evolutions start obviously immature, need to reach stages in social and logical growth and development, but maybe stand to be truly impressive people once they’ve fully self-realized. But, maybe that’s a bit too philosophical for a ‘let’s chase these Pokefats, because it gives me dopamine’ game…

Let me throw this out there: I don’t know many people, especially in this modern-day-epidemic world, who would doubt that life can come and kick you into the dirt. Life happens, and I feel like you shouldn’t need to feel like you have to apologize for that or explain it. Take care - pretty sure people can wait, and it’s not like it matters if they can’t (being impatient never made something happen better or faster, or even guaranteed it would happen; often the opposite). What you said about your mom sounds horrible, and I hope she’s going to be alright. I really hope that was hyperbole… If not, well…yikes on bikes, and I hope doctors can help her recover at least her health and mobility in some way.

Hang in there, and please don’t make a passion project into another stress on your pre-existing real life stresses. :cold_sweat:

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Could you maybe provide a link to the game itself?

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I don’t feel like it deserves attention from a site focused on weight gain games if you want to find it search up erotic games or search erotic Pokemon games on the site it’s not a weight gain game and I cringe really hard when I see it and have emotions I can’t describe when in it’s presence sorry.

To put it simply it’s a game that instead of making the Pokemon look more human it has them look the same way the game has the Pokemon look like which makes me uncomfortable because it’s like playing as a person who abuses animals sexually I have no problem when it comes to furry games but when there is a human and a regular looking animal that’s where I draw the line.

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Fair enough, but Pokemon are a different beast compared to standard animals(There’s a pretty funny ace attorney style video on youtube based on a discord discussion debating whether lewding gardevoir, is okay). Their intelligence and the people/pokemon history, shows as much.

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Well it’s got nikkit in it and I feel like it’s too close to looking like a real animal for my comfort it’s okay if it’s2 animals doing sexual things but when it looks like a real animal with a human then that’s where I feel very uncomfortable

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Nikkit?! In a FireRed ROMhack? So it’s has all the current gens?! It could also have Gardevoir, Alcremie, Manaphy, and Meloetta?

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Wait, NOT a weight gain game? What are you talking about? You could be talking about one of SEVERAL lewd pokemon games.

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Nope the specific one I was talking about has the sword and shield curry mini game as it’s main gameplay

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Wait what do you mean

Sounds like it COULD be a weight themed game… if cooking’s it’s main mechanic…

Yeah I thought so too but sadly it wasn’t.

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