No, they’re like huge hamster cheeks
well it looked like a butt
Yeah, the last frame does look like a butt
but that is a weird shooter game to have something like that, even if that’s what this site is for
I do not like encountering popping, bursting, exploding, or rupture. I don’t mind pop-tease to a point since their still okay, but are still in danger. It doesn’t always have to mean fatality as I heard some argue, but to others it’s enough harm to generate concern (which I am one of those others). I prefer for the character to deflate if returning to their normal state. If a character does pop, I would like to see that their okay afterwards, but I still dislike it none-the-less.
The Metal Slug series is pretty nutty overall. It’s one of the few examples where you can find WG content in a game and pretty much everyone brushes it off as just a bit of silliness.
I kinda like it in both gory and cartoony fashions, I’ve not yet seen it done on a character who i actually liked or felt much attachment to so maybe that’s the key, in games it seems like a pretty easy way to weaponize forced feeding/inflation/etc on enemies.
Its highly unrealistic either way so if its bloody it just feels somewhat like exploding heads/limbs in shooting games that we’ve mostly become desensitized to.
Ah’m agin’ it. *spits chaw*
Personally, I prefer inflation to weight gain and that includes the content with air and liquids, but also food stuffing as a whole. Although I like a little weight gain, oftentimes my limits aren’t too extreme. Anyway, when it comes to popping, I’m not really a fan. The thought of someone dying so violently is quite off-putting, similar to my reaction to immobility and morbid obesity in characters. >->;;;
On the other hand, this community is incredibly diverse, so you can make whatever game you like- tailor it to your own tastes etc.- and there will certainly be people who enjoy it.
Just going purely on opinion, a popping ending of many possible outcomes would work well in any game genre. On the whole though, the general response here seems to conclude that death isn’t good, but slapstick cartoony harmless events would be better received. Better yet, if it’s a satisfying conclusion to the path the player has chosen you’re after, the breakage of clothing, popping buttons and breaking furniture (e.g. chairs) has more or less the same climactic purpose.
Basically, popping/ bursting will be received as a punishment by the majority of users, but it is perfectly acceptable to ignore this and just make what you enjoy. I’ve experienced trying to adapt my work to suit other people’s needs when it comes to fetish art, and it never worked out and ended up making me lose passion in all creative aspects.
My advice would be to make what you want and make it the best you can! Chances are even if people aren’t too keen on the ending they probably enjoyed the other 95% of the game. ^U^
I just find it extremely comical so I guess that’s kind of a plus
I’m honestly fine with it as long as there’s some sort of form of taking back their original form. Like Belt mentioned, just laying there all dizzy eyed, or if the character is made or able to turn into a liquid substance, reform together again.
Hahaha, guts and blood everywhere!
Realistic bursting with a slow buildup and viscera and whatnot? I can get behind it. Not exactly my biggest kink, but I could get behind it for sure.
I don’t really mind popping depending about how its done. I like popping when its more cartoonish.
My big line on ‘Detonation’ is the same as for a lot of my other fetishes: no suffering, and no dying. Mixing up death and sex, for me, just utterly ruins the whole thing, especially if it’s a painful one. It just…no! Just, no. Never, ever, gonna be my thing, and I’ll probably never really get it either.
If, on the other hand, popping is survivable and recoverable from, I mostly treat it like interesting outfits (on characters, not me). Interesting, but not hardly my focus.
I fall in between finding it hot and utterly infuriating and upsetting. Typically if there’s a reason or way the person survives or it’s somewhat silly/cartoony I really don’t have too much issue but if it’s used in a context for drama or horror but also sexual it makes me pretty upset honestly. Won’t bash anyone into it mind you but definitely don’t personally like it unless there’s a safety net.
nuh uh nuh uh. popping is a no go for me. especially if its fatal because frankly, gore freaks me out bad and the idea of death just makes me panic so no thank u
honestly it doesn’t bug me as long as it shows the character alive afterwards,but when the character is perceived as dead:skull_and_crossbones: it bothers and ruins the experience for me.
I quite enjoy it, it is the most obvious way for things to go for people who don’t like catastrophic or city+ sizes but still want a satisfying ending to a good inflation other than, “They get bigger.”, a perfect climax for the situation at hand, either way is still fine though.
I like it sometimes, usually deepends on writing or situation