So, as this is a forum for WG, Inflation, etc. type games, I’m curious what folks opinions are on popping, bursting, exploding, etc? Personally I’m a fan of it, as long as it’s not done in a gorey way. It seems like something that would lend itself to various types of game mechanics or game plot developments, like as a penalty for going too far, a type of attack and so on.
I personally do not like it, but then again weight gain for me is most satisfying when it’s permanent and can’t be waved off with a spell or item. The bursting, popping and expolding just seems like kicking over a sand castle you spent time on making. But i may just be weird about this
I concur with Altair, weight gain is no fun if it doesn’t last for very long, and any form of popping, bursting, and exploding are better off nonexistent for me
Some people may like it, but I’m not a big fan of it ^^;
I tend to steer away from anything that involves potential harm to the character in question.
I could probably see it in a game with cartoon-y visuals though, with the whole popping/bursting thing showing that you’ve lost (like how Mega Man explodes!). Otherwise, I wouldn’t really see popping/bursting as a “good ending”.
I’m not a fan of all that myself, I just like a nice BBW with none of the odd stuff
I wouldn’t like death to be part of my fetish, even popping without gore is a nope for me because they still fucking died. But I have seen animations that after they explode they are just laying on the ground with like dizzy spiral eyes and that’s okay with me because they didn’t die
I’m definitely not a fan. It’s part of the reason I wasn’t a big fan of Tainted Elysium. I had bursting disabled in the settings, but for some reason, it kept happening.
That wet organ sound was frankly heinous.
As long as it’s non-fatal, it’s fine by me.
I might be in the minority in that I actually like that sort of thing. But, with the requirement that it not be fatal and/or overly gruesome.
Same here and also as well not gory to
I’m kindof on the fence when it comes to bursting. I generally steer away from it, especially for weight gain, but sometimes the threat of it for other forms of inflation is alright.
However being fattened into immobility is a lot of fun, especially if it’s not consensual. I also much prefer situations where the weight gain is permanent, or at the very least very difficult to get rid of. The weight gain can be quicker than normal, although not too fast (i.e… instantaneous gain).
I’m sort of odd. I actually DO like bursting, but not if it’s cartoony/non-harmful. Then again, I don’t like the burst if it’s TOO visceral (organs aren’t good… In this context). So I’m in the awkward valley between, where I will never be satisfied and nobody can relate to me.
It’s a big no for me. Even if it’s non-lethal by cartoon logic, that kind of physical harm isn’t something I like to see when I’m trying to get off. When it is lethal, it honestly feels like thinly veiled snuff porn to me. It’s the same reason why I struggle with vore.
In a game setting, I would prefer for popping to be similar to a death animation, and respawn later.
This is pretty interesting topic. Well in my case, i like situations like character got big and full. Looks tough and huge but actually very fragil situation. Like metal slug’s fat player status. Maybe it’s difference between inflation and fat/gaining?
Not that big fan of gory, but some casual cartoonish pop animation in game such as Metal slug or Digdug are things i like. I’ve made few similar sprites like those too before
Metal Slug had a “fat” status effect? I’m sure they put it in for comedy, but I wonder if anyone on the development team would know someone would experience an awakening due to its inclusion…
I’m a big fan of it myself, though I totally understand why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
I’m always on the lookout for expansion themed games that include popping - Noone’s is probably the best example I’ve come across so far…
metal slug have actually one of the best fat character sprites I’ve ever seen. their pixel animation quality is incredible
That’s bananas! Like, what in the heck that’ Dedass Wayforward quality!
is their head a butt?