Praedeon v0.1.2.0.

All questions to creator of emulator which you are using.

Maldives reads the game and it’s playable on the phone, here’s the link:

(It’s works the same as Joiplay)

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Hey, out of curiosity, How much weight stages are in the game rn? just wondering when I should consider stopping on the weight gain grind?

Just did more playing apparently I need to manage my gain as well as my stat training so it doesn’t really matter my max size cause I in the end need to train as well, also how on earth do you catch them chickens in agility training lol :joy:

I have remarked something, I don’t know if it’s normal. At the beginning, it’s very slow to gain weight. I had a stomach full to 40, 50, or even 60, I slept it off, and I gained only a kg or two. But starting from around 65kg, gaining weight suddenly becomes much faster.

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that has been discussed repeatedly, sleeping at low weights returns something like 1% fullness to weight, you need to just keep going at low weights since fights are much more efficient at causing weight gain below 65KG

Excuse me to not look at the near 400 messages in this topic.


but you should… is better for the people who is actually replying the messages…

Yeah… Sorry, but no. I would use the Search fonction if I knew which specific words to use, but that’s not the case. And I don’t want to spend hours looking at all the messages. If there were just a few dozens messages, yes. Or even when there is one hundred. But near 400? No thanks.


my brother in Christ searching for “gain weight” gives the result without scrolling, stop being lazy and petty about it

“Gain weight” was too generic for me to bother trying. The whole topic (heck, most of this forum) is about gaining weight. I thought that it would have barely helped.

If you’re gonna be rude about it, I won’t even bother replying next time. Especially for something as banal as me asking if something was normal. Actually, I will just stop replying from now on, it’s getting off topic.


i am dumb. how to move a rock which is on way. ?? is show that i am so weak. while i am on level 7. is something that i am missing ?? help

you need to go through the cave segment to actually push it if you have not already done so (you will be above the rock if you have done what is needed) if you have not, take a right at the rock and go that way

Thanks buddy but i still don’t understand :confused::sweat_smile:. Can u explain in easy way :sweat_smile:.

if your character is at the bottom of the rock, go right… you have not started the part of the story that allows you to move it

this is the rock in the cave to the top left of the forest, right?

Hello another issue.
in search of fool quest , i have found kerim and i need to report lyra but i cant find her at all.

In the house in Kehhone Village

i have searched in every house but didnt find her.

The goblin cave feast is extremely hot, miss this game too

what about the 2nd part of the map?