Praedeon v0.1.2.1. (Currently abandoned)

Currently there is no game content after that quest.

I think that the itch page is put to private, or the link is wrong

Try it now. I have no idea why itch changed status of project to private by themself.

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Yes it now works, thanks

I likey

idk what else to say though

Howdy, came over after finishing the alpha, and I can say without a doubt… I love it!~

The system you implemented in this game has to be my favorite way of implementing vore and weight gain in a natural and rewarding way. And I love how Ruyri slowly but surely just embraces her gluttony the more she eats, and I want to see more of her evolution.

My only gripe is something that is unavoidable for an alpha. There’s not much story going on after a point. But it says something when my only problem with the game is that I want more of it.

Great work on making it, and I hope to see more of it in the future.


I’ve given a try and I can say - very good quality game. True there isn’t much there but I love direction. I hope MC half ogre/elf will get chance to get revenge on bullies one way or another :slight_smile:

Considering the game tags, I would NOT be surprised, especially if the protagonist can swallow entire deer, elk, panthers, and bears whole, most humanoid species aren’t safe from her if you know what I mean.

Incase you are wondering about the lack of development, one of his deviantart journal posts explains it well.

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Well, no, the development freeze has nothing to do with this. For now I need money so I started to take commissions again and working on commissions. Currently development so slow just because I am lacking motivation. This is what I wrote in response to people in my discord server: “I am sorry guys, but the game… Well, to be honest I am making my game for myself. I don’t make a game for fame, good reviews or public recognition. I just want something in which I could play and enjoy. Unfortunately, this is the main reason why I do not make any statements, don’t publish screenshots of something which I am working on or don’t telling about content which I already made to stir up the interest of the audience. Unfortunately, for me it is just a waste of time for nothing.”
P.S. Ruyri definitely can vore deer, elk, panthers and bears even in current published game build. It depends on her stomach capacity and how much enemy weight. In the next update I will make some changes to it: Ruyri will need to have certain minimum weight stage, stomach capacity and Strength to activate another Devourment skill which let her vore enemy instantly. At least I plan to do it like that for now, but I can change my mind if someone give me a better idea.


I wish she would have comments after exceeding 125kg :slight_smile: I can’t wait for more cute half elf/ogre gal adventures. You’ve done good job for self entertainment purpose and that you have shared it with us. I hope your financial situation as well as motivation will improve in no time as game settings as well as mechanics are banger!

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Take it that extra devourment skill is either free or very cheap cost wise? Or will it cost mana? Seeing as mobs like slimes should be easy to consume. Regarding the statements and announcements, fair enough, I just think the game has potential and is not a waste of time to me.

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Additional devourment skill willn’t cost anything and could be used only when all conditions are met.


Guys, I learned today of how to create new InstaDevourment skill and with my new knowledge I think there is NO reason to create new skill for instant vore. So, I am going to change how normal Devourment skill work:

As you can see on my screenshot there will be this status effect icon on enemies if they could be devoured. This status appears if enemy have less then 26% HP or if some conditions met. So, after rework if Ruyri have certain weight stage, enough stomach capacity and have enough strength to overpower this enemy then you will see this devourment icon above the enemy and would be able to devour enemy instantly without need to lower their HP first.


WAIT!!! I forgot about TP cost for normal Devourment skill. So, I still need to create another skill if I want it to be completely free to use :smiling_face_with_tear: Sorry guys for misinformation.
P.S. But I will try to make TP cost changed to Zero when my conditions met. Maybe I will find a way.


I love this game! So looking forward to this games future!!

This game is really nice. Everything simply feels great to interact with.
I came here to compliment the game but also to ask, is there a weight loss mechanic anywhere in the game? Is it possible to go down weight stages?

Weight loss would be later in events or when player decide to waste weight on training stats or getting some other things.

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I presume there will also be places you can’t access once you get big enough hence the option? Saw that happen in the tunnels after reaching a certain size.

Of course there will be such places.

It would be nice touch, even funnier it would be if there is wall or door with “crawling space” but you simply break through it :slight_smile: