Praedeon v0.1.2.1. (Currently abandoned)

yes my character is weight 96 kg.

Very entertaining game, but a couple of notes; You’ve got East and West backwards. I imagine it’s probably easy to confuse if the words for the cardinal directions are different in other languages, but it’s like this.

So the cave is in the North-West- corner of the forest, which is actually to the -East- of the house.

Second note; the health percentage requirement on the Devour skill makes it basically useless most of the time. The problem being there isn’t a ‘non-lethal attack’ skill that reduces an enemy’s health but doesn’t kill them, so most of the time you just kill the target before you can get them in the sweet spot to devour, because 25% health is a very narrow band, as opposed to something like just less than half or 75%.


Thank you very much, I thought West is on the right side :sweat_smile: Will fix that. Also, yes, I know about that thing about Devourment skill useless and I was planning to create an attack which deal damage, but don’t kill target. Going to make it soon.

I’d recommend making the non-lethal attack not cost anything, since Devour already has a pretty heavy TP cost.

edit: another note that might be worthwhile - I don’t think going to sleep to empty your stomach counts all the food in it towards your weight gained. Or at least, not as much as just standing around waiting for it. It probably should so you’re not asking your players to literally idle and wait for their stomach to empty.

Hm, ok, I will think of a way how to calculate it. Actually, the first point was to force player stay and wait to gain weight instead of sleep. Because if I let player sleep they wouldn’t do anything instead of just trying to gain weight from sleeping. Gaining weight supposed to be slow and faster methods should relate on events which I am going to add later.

If the intent is to add faster methods of digesting and gaining weight later it makes sense. At the moment however, it’s odd that sleeping on a full stomach, the point at which the body typically gains weight the easiest, doesn’t actually do that much and a large portion of the game’s attempts to gain weight involves standing still and waiting for the stomach to empty, which is to say- not actually playing the game.

Well, Alpha v0.01 version I uploaded only in attempt to collect feedback on bugs. This is not a version of game to play and enjoy :sweat_smile:


And that’s definitely fair enough. But definitely worth considering what might be worth implementing in the future. None of us but you will be fully aware what’s just a placeholder and what’s indicative of the end goal of the final build, so all we’ve got to guess on is what’s available to look at.

Got some extra stuff on the bug-report end as well. I had that commentary on the pace of the gaining because I was testing the weight levels and mechanics around them.

  1. The Tent in the cave, if you rest until morning and then leave it the feeder plants nearby automatically try and grab you for some reason.
  2. When you reach the stage at which Ruyri comments that not only has her size increased, so has her mana capacity, her mana capacity doesn’t actually increase.
  3. At that size, it looks like she’s supposed to be too big to fit through holes or be grabbed by feeder plants. This is cool, but causes a few more bugs, detailed below-
    3a) She will now repeatedly trigger the ‘Something I was already out of breath. I need more exercise’ line, constantly, basically every step.
    3b) The size increase combined with the automatic interaction with the plants when you leave the tent causes her to loop the choice to grab the tentacle, collect juice, or leave the flower alone, this interaction triggers over and over.
    3c) The combination of all of these factors has soft-locked the game in this test; she is stuck standing outside the tent in the cave cycling between ‘I was already out of breath’ and the Interaction with the feeder plant back and forth forever with no ability to move or do anything.
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Thank you for report, I will check everyhing and fix except third one. Third one will be fixed when I finish that weight stage of Ruyri since it is unfinished yet and have only one sprite sheet done. But I will make some replacements to not let people stuck if they reached that size and activate plant.

Wait, I don’t understand the thing about plant trap. So, when you used Tent to change day after you leave tent Plant Trap automatically instantly activates and teleport character to plant? Or you just mean that after you changed day plant trap is active again and when you come close to trap it grabs you as it should?

I mean that literally as soon as the character leaves the tent, the nearby tentacle plant tries to grab her despite her being nowhere nearby, as shown in this image.

It doesn’t just happen at this weight stage, it happens all the time, it’s just that at this weight stage, it also soft-locks the game.

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Oh, I understood, this is a softlock if character have more then 96 Kg of fat. Got it, thank you. Already fixed it. Will upload a new version with fixes a bit later since one person help me to fix my bad english in dialogs.

Hey, I just wanted to ask how many stages for the main character

Default weight stage, second weight stage and third weight stage finished currently. If you ask how many weight stages planned then I don’t know, but definitely I plan to create A LOT.


Fun demo! Something i’d like to suggest is allowing the player to eat food items even when HP is full, currently you can’t use healing items when at max hp. Also (maybe not such a good idea) making HP and MP potions add to fullness. I find that using digest makes for an incredibly good heal mid fight anyways.
Other than that i really like where this is going!


I like the idea of letting use food even when HP is full. Definitely going to add this posibility.


When I go back to westforest 1 after the dragon event, max fullness goes back to 15. I hope this bug is fixed. Apart from that, the game was very fun.

Thank you for report, this should be fixed now in v0.03 which I uploaded.

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I noticed a bug in V0.02 that may not have been addressed, going back into the cave from the pushed bolder entrance and going to the chamber where the plants are automatically gets you attacked by a random number of the plants

as of 0.03 I’ve noticed a ton of spaces have been removed between words, so while the English has improved, it’s harder to read due to many words being latched together, prologue also has the mushroom box dialogue over the carrot box