prefered complexity?

Even outside the fetish, I prefer a game/story with substance. I am a man who loves to immerse his-self into the world laid before him. Short, sweet games are fun, but bear no real sense of achievement or connection.


Heh, were it that I could; I donā€™t really enjoy male wg, and Iā€™m a guy, soā€¦But yeah. Thanks for responding.

ā€¦What? When did I say anything about Male WG?

the time and budget that ā€œtheseā€ games usually operate on means that less complex games are usually better. also mechanically the best games are often played one handed wink wink

It was a joke about you asking him to swallow it :sweat_smile: At least that is how I read it.

I agree we should maintain the focus on weight gain in our games. But actually, I think it is okay to have an overly complex plot unless it causes the author to feature creep their game to death. I could actually spend hours playing a game and just enjoy the allure of promised weight gain content, as long as the gameplay and content is good and there are pieces sprinkled throughout. That is me though, and there are definitely players who wonā€™t sit through it.

I think itā€™s important to know what kind of players you are making your audience when you make a game. Ideally, everybody can enjoy your game, but that is only ideal; realistically, that is probably not the case for any one game on this forum. So I think an author should pander to what they enjoy, basically. But I hear what youā€™re saying: if you go for the involved Death Note route, you may nip yourself in the bum later on. Planning ahead is important. Think of the perspective of your audience and make sure the story you want to convey is conveyed.


Good catch, and yes, that was the joke. I just like to mess with people.

I think complexity in the weight gain system is always welcome as long as the gains arenā€™t too fast or too slow to make it feel worthwhile. Complexity in a storyline can easily go wrong if the author just writes things for the heck of it or tries to surpass their own writing constantly, or of course, if they can barely express things in the language or style they wrote it in.

Definitely my favorite type of complex story is one with both horror and humor or just very playful ideas and then you throw the fetish into every day life like it is a real accepted thing. Games like this just feel perfect and they often donā€™t need any deep descriptions or word choices to create a powerful story. I could even enjoy games with fetishes I dislike if done in this style.

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