Project Bob (Ravenous' Uncle)

It depends on your character’s weight, but generally the default temperature is good. Once you get to the higher weights (like 400-ish, but I think that also depends on your height and your BMR), you’ll want to move the temperature range down a bit.

I’ve found two soft locks; if you party while you’re low on money it can give you an inline error of “While partying You ate ~error not enough money~;” and end up in negative money. From then on it won’t let you proceed to the next day because “You do not have enoguh money for class in None.”

Second one is closer to a hard lock; I got stuck in an infinite loop of the first slot of the day bookended by this error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/travel.rpy", line 46, in <module>
  File "game/travel.rpy", line 118, in travelcar
KeyError: 1

Bob Alpha1.4.2
Sat Dec 25 05:03:03 2021

I’d get that error, then on ignoring, get some variation of the early morning work events, get “Driving car!”, then get that error again, and be back doing an instance of early morning work, with the day never progressing.

This was after buying a car the day prior. I don’t know if this is important, but I first selected a car I could have bought outright, then after seeing it was only on finance anyway, bought one of the most expensive on there.

I kept saves of both in case they could be useful for diagnosing the issues.


quite liking this so far, but I would love more ways to actively impact others’ weights. thus far I’ve only really found the party and cupcakes there, but it’s too random to get a sustained gain going for most. the only career path I haven’t spent time on really is the gym instructor one.

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I wonder why in spite of the codename “Alpha” a version number 1.4.2. I think most people are more accustomed to see the combination of 1.0.0 as it is used for fully finished games. Aristotle’s binary logic. Game ready or not ready.

The game does not use Aristotle’s binary logic, or follow convention, for version numbering its version is alpha 1.4.2, the alpha part implying that it’s not complete. If your asking about the when the next version is coming out or for a progress updates, I don’t have one.


Pretty cool game would love to see it fleshed out more if possible. I will hope for more but this a solid piece already.

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This games development is on indefinite hiatus untill I have the time and energy to port the code (all 20,000 lines) to something other than python. Unfortunately my road map and vision for this game requires its engine to use a language that can simultaneously multithreaded instead of corporative multithreading, which is what python does. While I would not hesitate recommending using Ren’py or python to anyone, it no longer fits the needs of my game.


After day 400 my greed tanked in like 3 days from max to zero, didnt change routine, now no actions raise it.

EDIT eating a ton is still on raising it temporarily during the day

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unfortunately doesn’t work at all. My character does whatever it wants, no matter if I press the “use choices tomorrow” button or not, the system just tells me that my character feels like doing something else, even if I have high willpower as trait. Also the weight doesn’t fluctuate whatsoever, no matter if I starve myself or overeat

I’m afraid you not going to like my answer however, from what you said you appear to have a lot of misconceptions about how my game works. Most anything you need to know I have posted in this thread at some point or another if you willing to go read it. The biggest thing you need to know is the player character has a target ideal weight and is actively trying to reach it. As you might guess at game start it is quite low. By giving your character strong will you have made it more likely to take action to achieve this target weight even though it is there opposite of what you want. You need to work not only fatten your character but make them want to be fatter. To be honest normal willpower is the easiest trait to play with while weak and strong prove a more challenging trait to play with, each for almost opposite reasons.

Does your pc support opengl and vulkan?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I have no clue what your talking about.
  • Cupcakes!

0 voters


OpenGL and Vulkan are graphics api’s, like:

  • DirectX (Windows only)
  • Glide
  • Mantle
  • Metal (Appple Only)
  • QuickDraw 3D
  • RenderMan
  • LibGCM

For instance if anyone has one of the new macs with arm the arm chips in them only support Metal. For the most part all pre Maxwell (900 series) Nvidia gpus don’t support Vulkan. Vulkan support is spotty for Intel igpus found specifically in the celeron and pentium, and any pre HD 500 series graphics. Idk about AMD gpus.


AMD support for Vulkan goes all the way back back to GCN 1.0 GPUs (like my now-replaced 7870
GHz released 10 years ago!), albeit only those from GCN 2 onwards have full, official support.

I’ve noticed that after day 400 my greed will drain to 0 then itll slightly build up before resetting. Does anyone have a work around for this?

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[quote=“zdeerzzz, post:244, topic:10791, full:true”]

i think all of these are relevant to your problem and what’s happening. The problem is greed is merly a vehical for becoming fatter your character must first want to be fatter than they are to allow the greed train to leave the station.

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I’m not really sure? I’m seeing a lot of very conflicting information online when I try to look it up.

I’ve got a GTX 980 right now and am planning to go up to a GTX 1660 Ti Soon™. And hopefully something in the Radeon 7000 series later this year or early next year.

I’m having an issue where it feels like at a certain point, it’s impossible to bring your weight goal up in any meaningful way compared to your actual weight gain. Is there anything I can do to keep these two in check? It mainly becomes an issue starting at around 300lbs

Nvidia Maxwell 900series supports Vulcan and open gl

You have an nvidia gpu so it does support openGL

Yeah that much I knew, I wasn’t sure about Vulcan.