Queen Sized Remake (Demo now out on Patreon!)

Hello everyone! This is the new Queen Sized main page because I’m remaking the game from the ground up. The end product will be vastly different from the original, mostly just in function, so I decided it needs its own page.

Right now we have a demo out, its only the new intro of the game, but its bloody massive. The intro has reached 72,000 words of content (post patch). Most of this content is replay-ability for different sizes, and when I get around to adding the furry update the intro will probably balloon once again.

Right now the Demo is out and you can try it two weeks early before it’ll be released publicly. If you want to support me its only 5usd. For higher tiers I’ll be putting out smaller, more regular updates of game content as I work on it.

This is a showcase of the new menu and show off of some new elements I plan on adding into the game with my years of experience working on the old one.

You can find my patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=96542982
You can find my discord here: Queen sized and other stuff


Will the latest version of the old one be made public at some point?


Good luck, godspeed, and welcome back

Yup! I just haven’t gotten around to putting it out

Is there an early build of the remake for patrons, or is it not far enough along yet?

Right now I’ll I’ve put out is details, images and descriptions. But a build will be coming soon to Patreon in a month or two.

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Is the demo public yet?

Not yet, and probably not for some time. There is a lot of work that needs to be put into the game still before I’ll put it out to the public

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Can I ask how long the demo is at the moment?

As of right now the demo is just the intro, so its about 15-20 minutes long depending on how fast you read and which intro you did, some are longer and some are shorter. Right now the demo is less of a demo and more of an Alpha.


It will be interesting to play when the demo is publicly available.

P.S. gifs are so beautiful! is it planned to make image based on B/W/H?

Thank you! What do you mean? Like the player images? If you mean the player images than yes.