Queen Sized [Test Verson 1.7 Version 9] Update3: HORNY

Did you download the zip or did you just play the game in a browser?

Yeah i have know about the bug for a bit and have been trying to fix it, however were still not sure what causes it to happen

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Odd, i will look into that and see what may be causing that to happen, was the error game breaking or could you brute force it to work?

I gave the downloaded version (V1.6 V9) a shot. I kept having the look at self having the lowest weight level message be appended on the end, with a broken image link. The Charles massage in the spa is completely broken too.

The heaviest weight seems like by far the best start: The queen can quickly get her self esteem and respect up by spending money and intelligence 10 means she can learn the gold spell quickly. The gold spell’s probably too good, you’d want to cast it each day even if it was 1/10th as effective. The other currently working spell has more of a trade off involved.

Are you planning to have more events based on different combinations of the queen’s stats?

Made an Account just to reply here. That Population bug is due to winning or losing those War events you send the army out to. It only happens when they come back from it, not when you send them out. At least during my testing. Great Work so far though, looking forward to the future!

I couldn’t find a way to circumnavigate it unfortunately. So the only thing I can do is procrastinate and sleep to pass time.

Originally didn’t notice that the pictures weren’t working on the online version. They worked once I read the instructions and actually downloaded the game.

At what weights did the lowest weight start appearing at, or was it there from the start, also what race did you pick?

I will look into the Charles massage, I have had some troubles with that are of the game in the past. Thanks for the feed back.

This was with the Obese start, default name and Human race. It appeared below the description at all weight levels except minimum weight. Getting her down to minimum weight and increasing again didn’t fix it. Also the image link was broken but that just looks to be a typo: the source is referring to “Player underwight.png” instead of underweight.

I forgot to mention but there’s also a “Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>” after the underweight description.

Is the increase weight function having a problem? Is the increase weight function having a problem?

I’ve been running into a few errors but this one stopped me and it can’t be moved past

This happens right after organising the royal court and trying to leave


I realy Love this game and his art I hope you will ad some more

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This is pretty alright, but it’s unnecessarily hard to tell how much currency you actually have at the start

Well, the game is good, but i can’t tell how good it is because there’s one bug that happens when you enter the court and then somehow you can’t go anywhere. The images are nice, just make images that don’t show her fingers and you’ll be fine lmao

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Is there anyone/anyway to practice sorcery? I think I’ve met all the characters perhaps?

Very nice, looking forward for more content!

Images aren’t loading right for me. Anyway to fix?


Yeah same as above, images don’t load

Since this has been bumped this isn’t the thread for the most recent version of the game, you can find that here:

As a side topic, can all of these old threads for this game be closed to avoid confusion? There’s 6 inactive threads plus the one I linked above that doesn’t show up due to not having a space in the title, and clearly that can cause confusion as to which to send a message to.