Raising weight debuffs and maybe add buffs

Ok so this is a minor complain but the weight debuffs and the titles (like “rotund”) might being happening too soon. Maybe spread them out a bit instead of tiggering one every 10 pounds. Also we need more of them be cause if your like me you want your girl (or male) to get pretty big. Now that’s out of the way here’s a feature you could maybe add. Buffs for weight. We got a debuff for being fat but why not some kind of buff? Maybe increase health or defence or even attack since the debuff makes us skip a turn it kind of seems like being skinny is the best option right now and this is a weight gain game…

The titles on your character screen are all according to BMI and they are designed to be as close to real life as possible (25 BMI is overweight, 30 is obese, etc). If they are happening too soon it’s likely because you chose a short height for your character, in which case you really would see that many changes that quickly, because a pound is a lot more significant when you’re 4’11 as opposed to 6 foot.

This is a different type of weight gain game that I’m trying to build. The goal is not to become as fat as possible, it’s to reach the top of the tower. For those who wish to keep their character fat and still progress through the tower, I will be adding a class called Fatzerker which is a play on the berzerker archetype, where you sacrifice weight instead of blood to use your attacks. It would flip the game on its head, forcing you to maintain a heavier weight so you can use your abilities. Though, the goal is to balance every path you can choose with your character (which I am aware some stats are worse than others right now like Agility, so that will need some fine-tuning) so that there’s no clear advantage for choosing Fatzerker over say, a Caster or Warrior class.

I do my best to accommodate all types of players but of course there will be bias present in what I develop. Which is why there isn’t much support for extreme weights, and the game is sort of sadistic in how maintaining a thin weight is optimal, but difficult to pull off due to the environment. Those are just my preferences.

Ok makes sense and I wasn’t aware you could modify height…