Re;Roundbound: Gaining for a Goddess

oops, he tells me, if they are translations made by me, it’s because I don’t speak English well and I wanted to enjoy his game better and understand it better Xd

Does anyone know what to do after this part? I saved in this place a few months ago and I forgot what to do next.

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It’s been a while since I played myself. Not getting an updated version/new content or even having status updates from the creator does that more often than not.

Anyways, If I remember my playthrough right, check the sphere and papers. If that fails, go to the miscolored tile and jump back.

I meant where I was supposed to go after this old house part, because I think I remember there was some sort of important dialogue from the orb telling me what to do next but I forgot what it was. Thank you though.

If I remember right, the orb unlocks a cave somewhere else on the island.

Hello, does anyone know what the password to the door of destiny is because I’m racking my brain to find the password and I even searched old saves

whats the code? i have used my brain but i still cant

what is the code? i have tried but cant ;-;

You just pulled a memory from beyond the vails for me. I wrote the answer right up here 2 years ago almost down to the date. Just follow the same instructions I wrote and you should get the answer as I hope the puzzle itself hasn’t changed lol

Good luck!

P.S. Go to the message I replied to


How do i get past the bolder puzzle in the forgotten shrine?

try to scroll above,

2 questions, where are the weight dojo and how solve the rocks puzle, some one can help me pls?

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you can find the dojo in the desert and wich rock puzzle are you talking about? can you post a picture?

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this is the boulder puzzle problem I’m having

I really hope this will help you, is not the best explanation but it’s the actual solution


ty so much your the best!

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anyone can tell me the location of the “magic door”?

Just played through the game for the first time. It ended up being really fun. There was one difficulty spike around the capital but other then that I think everything was well balanced.

So I found three passwords for the door of destiny (Wealth, Power, Grim) and was wondering if there were any more to find? I also found 29 Bloatberries. Did I miss one somewhere or was that all there was to find this update?

Anyways, thanks for the fun game and can’t wait to see what cooking in the next update.


For anyone looking for the actual code for the cavern door, here it is:



I come to present some special news, everyone!

The next update for Roundbound will be on September 21st! This is a huge rework for the whole game- a total facelift to every aspect of Roundbound. Sprites, quests, the weight gain system, bad ends, maps, enemies… They’ve all been tweaked for this. Please keep an eye out in the meantime! It’ll be named Re;Roundbound as it’s a re-vised game and a re-bound improving everything it already is.

Furthermore, I’ve started making chatbots for the main cast. Right now they’re on Character.Ai and I plan on making a few on SpicyChat. Links for these can be found on my discord server.

I can’t wait to drop this update for you guys soon. Maybe, just MAYBE, I’ll earn a “we’ll watch your career with great interest” gif. The chatbots, and other Roundbound discussion and previews, can be found HERE .

See you all soon! :slight_smile: