renpy help choice and romance point

Yea I have trouble with the choice when i click on the first choice it seem normal but all suddenly it show the second choice. I set it up like this


    "W-well. Yes, I am.":
        jump choice2_tell_the_truth

    "Uhm... seeya! *run away*":
        jump choice2_run_away

label choice2_tell_the_truth:

show sonic truthful

s "W-well. Yes I am... I don't explain about seeing their belly... well something great..."

a "Really?! How?! How see Vanilla be big as hippo or an elephant!"

s "I am sorry. But Something about it look amazing!"

a "I can't blieve! Sonic go now!"

show sonic runaway:
    xalign -0.01
    yalign 0.80
    blur 16

s "Going now!"

label choice2_run_away:

show sonic runaway

s "See ya!"

am I doing something wrong? Also how i add point that can reflect the ending?

first it seem the indentation is wrong in that file
after using : on renpy you need to add 4 spaces to define where that block of code starts and ends.
the correct way is the block from menu:
after each label all the lines of that label should indented

also if you don’t end your label block with another scene it will keep running the code bellow it.
most use a jump to call the next label that should be executed
i recommend this video for understanding label and how to code a certain flow of labels.

it starts explaining it at 2:17

well it working so far. but ok thank you