No, what I mean is that I didn’t even try the input that would have made it a reasonable sentence in the first place. xD
Could we get a rundown of current features in the game?
Also, I’m pretty sure the scale doesn’t work past 300 lb anymore
So uh… found a problem. My name on there is Mark Malone. The problem is, the space. I didn’t realize it before, but I accidentally added the space. So now no one can use the Tell on me. Any way I can fix that?
I was curious- so I did some math on what food item was the most fattening right now- and I got the following results just by checking the eaten calories via “score”.
Burgers- 4800 cal/tick
Fries- 5110 cal/tick
Pizza- 4800 cal/tick
Chocolate- 5000 cal/tick
(A “tick” is a server time update, I don’t know what the unit is intended to be, but it’s when digestion and gain checks happen.)
It seems something broke in the new fattening descriptions.
I changed “Mark Malone” to Mark. I’ll add a check for names now.
Thank ya lad, I really needed that
Just leaving another reply to this, since the game’s been taking some shape as of recently. I like the new way the art assets are integrated! Having them layered over the background looks a lot better, visually (and makes them take up a lot less screen real-estate). Having most of the NPCs become robots also works pretty well, though their names segway into a suggestion I would have for the project, if possible. I feel like a lot of items/npc names/commands could do with aliases, so it’s easier for players to phonetically type out what they want without the game misunderstanding them. An example would be there being multiple ways to interact with say, the Cashier bot, using a list of names like:
- cashier
- bot
- robot
- cashierbot
I’m not sure if it’d be better to do these by just matching the letters of what the player types with the nearest item(s), or to actually map out the alts like this. Either way, it’d likely help a lot when scenes start having more than one item/npc inside of them at any given time. I feel like the way ‘score’ is named also plays into this, since a lot of other text adventures use ‘look at self’ or some permutation for viewing your own status. Anyway, ramble over; neat to see the project around again, regardless!
Thanks for the feedback. I like your ideas and I’ll be investigating them as time allows.
I tried moving help into a popup window instead of directly into the game output to save scrolling. I like how that turned out, so I think I’ll look at doing some additional modifications in that direction.
I’m hoping to get some player avatars integrated soon as well, but I’m struggling to find assets. I see some good stuff on the Discord but I feel like I’m missing something obvious. I see bodies but not hair and clothes. Are those built into RPGMaker? How could I get a few spritesheets?
Thanks! Regarding the help window, I do like how it’s implemented as of currently. The UI colors don’t mesh with the rest of the game, but that’s something that can be addressed much later, most likely. Regarding art assets, I’m sure the source images have to be somewhere, though I’m unfamiliar with how that sort of asset would need to be packed for use in RPGMaker, so that might be a more complicated issue than expected.
A couple of other points of feedback, in no particular order:
It seems like whenever you use the eat command, you can put any string after the name of the food item, and it’ll be displayed in the eating prompt. You can show yourself eating a “burger 2” for example.
A text highlighting system could be neat for making approaches by other users more noticeable. Maybe just changing the text color when your player’s name is mentioned in an emote/say, or something like that, to add emphasis.
I’m not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, also, though most text in ‘say’ commands is turned into lowercase. This mostly just makes stuff like an ‘I’ in a sentence look weird (turns into lowercase i), but I’m sure it has other cascading effects, too.
Last thing, which I won’t make a bullet in this list: should there be a targeted version of emote, like there is for say (tell)? It’d allow for players to do some interaction/roleplay by themselves, assuming there isn’t a command for doing something like this already. No clue what you’d call it, though. Anyways, best of luck! I’m sure player avatars would make the game livelier as an addition, by themselves.
I only know this because I did the help command in game, but that’s for roleplay purposes
Ohh, my bad! I had no idea; probably should’ve consulted the help myself, there. Thanks for clearing it up, though.
The “extended actions” are my attempt to add role play to some commands. People said that the “eat” messages were dull. I tried substituting the word “eat” with other words and was disappointed with the results.
I notice copies of my character every time I quit and rejoin the game?
Yes, I didn’t try to resolve that. When you leave or disconnect, I need to remove the character. Also, I need to work on preventing multiple, concurrent logins on the same account.