I really love this, small issues with the feeding tube system aside.
It actually seems like a great solution to the food problems rimworld has in general. No more random rat-meat that is half maggots, just drink from the tube™.
I would love it if males also showed their weight by default. I missed that there are apparently settings for that, so I have THAT to look forward to next time I start rimworld.
Some thoughts:
I would love it if this mod had some added diseases, mental states and so on. Maybe an enemy that is a candy golem or tiny floating cupcakes that do the obvious? Results may vary depending on capacity and if bursting is enabled…
It would also be cool to have field effects. Gluttonous drone comes to mind, making pawns seek food whenever they have any space for it at all. Or just a period of time during which no weight can be lost.
Another cool scenario is lard weather, that drops onto people either as fulfilment or just straight adds its weight as… well, weight.
Maybe a frosting winter, that covers the floor in edible frosting that slows everyone down, until it is cleared away. Manually.
Traders and factions could also be added, that have only one goal in mind: The breaking of all scales. An entirely seperate alignment aside from friendly and rough tribes/outlanders and so on, hedonists. Who just give away food, that may or may not be laced with smokeleaf extract for the munchies and the willing consumption of even more food.
Who willingly and selflessly give away their stock of hoverchairs, that totally do not wisper subliminals into their riders ears, slowly turning everyone into gourmands with iron stomaches.
Who may or may not be responsible for the weird strain of muscle parasites and fibrous mechanites, that seem almost symbiotic somehow…
Some states may also be cool, as well as feeder intentions instead of just wanting to self-fatten. Imagine a food binge, but reverse, hastily putting as many calories as possible into as small a space as possible and giving it away, with some insistence and convincing.
Imagine your star trader, with 20 social, suddenly using all their charms to convince everyone to hold a small party with one cake for everyone. With seconds on the way.
And once everyone is incapacitated by the stuffing, keeping them topped up until the feeder falls asleep from exhaustion.
Just some ideas I wanted to throw into this thread.