RimRound - a Rimworld Weight Gain Mod

I plan on configuring the mod so that prisoners will just get the nutrition control gizmo in the next update! That will at least fix the issue in the interim.

That’d be great!

Potentially! I am much more likely to add support for them if you post a workshop link in the support requests channel of the discord. When I add support I usually look through that and go from there. Otherwise, you can post the links here.

Thanks! I just joined. I’m a little unfamiliar with discord, Do I just post my ideas in the Suggestions section then? Because I have a few relatively easy Ideas to suggest as well.

I have a question, is there any way to add race compatability to this mod? I have been using the Ferian Race and there simply is nothing. Their weight neither increases nor decreases, they do not have a weight opinion at all, and even in debug you can’t see any RR-related information. I am guessing RR runs on patches for specific races?

Patches are applied on a race by race basis. I can definitely add this one to the list of ones to do. It looks like it shouldn’t be too bad. If you are ambitious, you can try to set up the solution and run the patch maker to generate them yourself. If you want to work on that I can try to help, but I recommend waiting as it is rather difficult.


Is there feederism content? (As in stuffing and fullness stuff)
Pawn opinions on it and the like?

Yes to all of that and I don’t think I’ve seen everything in the mod yet. There are personality traits that every character has that determines their opinions in gaining weight, which you can adjust with debug mode. There is am also a fullness gauge, but it’s purely for mechanics at the moment as the characters don’t have separate stuffed sprites. When you capture prisoners, one of your options it to fatten them up as well.

darn, there’s no opinions on for pawns fullness yet?

As I said, it does currently exist in the game, but it pretty much just drives mechanics. If a pawn gets too full they become helpless.

Edit: I think I understand what you mean now, and no, the is so opinions based on fullness

Edit: Found what I was looking for.

What’s the best way to have colonists lose weight?

Control their appetite instead of their fullness (or hybrid system) and keep it fairly low

Starving them is the easiest way

Operations => liposuction.
Or by the feeding tube, set on “lose weight” (or worse if you’re a cruel person). But your pawn will be immobilized and it can be quite long. Manage and be careful on what they eat.

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when can we expect another update? And I still havent gotten my questioned answered on whether or not blob beds will have more benefits than normal beds. Could be fun having a colony that only uses prisoners as beds

Currently updates are pushed to the dev branch on the git, so if you want to try experimental features definitely check there. Other than that, I’m definitely looking at buffing some of the values for the blob beds to make them more worthwhile.

Thanks! blob beds having some bonuses associated to them could be fun, and you could possibly have the bonuses change depending on how much the pawn wants to gain. Maybe with them you could have some sort of feeder trait as well. Also, one last question, is there currently compatibility with save our ship? and if not will there be compatibility in the future, and are there plans to make Kijin compatible?

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in the current version of the dev branch pawns seem to have 300 hps limbs

I really love this, small issues with the feeding tube system aside.
It actually seems like a great solution to the food problems rimworld has in general. No more random rat-meat that is half maggots, just drink from the tube™.

I would love it if males also showed their weight by default. I missed that there are apparently settings for that, so I have THAT to look forward to next time I start rimworld.

Some thoughts:

I would love it if this mod had some added diseases, mental states and so on. Maybe an enemy that is a candy golem or tiny floating cupcakes that do the obvious? Results may vary depending on capacity and if bursting is enabled…

It would also be cool to have field effects. Gluttonous drone comes to mind, making pawns seek food whenever they have any space for it at all. Or just a period of time during which no weight can be lost.

Another cool scenario is lard weather, that drops onto people either as fulfilment or just straight adds its weight as… well, weight.
Maybe a frosting winter, that covers the floor in edible frosting that slows everyone down, until it is cleared away. Manually.

Traders and factions could also be added, that have only one goal in mind: The breaking of all scales. An entirely seperate alignment aside from friendly and rough tribes/outlanders and so on, hedonists. Who just give away food, that may or may not be laced with smokeleaf extract for the munchies and the willing consumption of even more food.
Who willingly and selflessly give away their stock of hoverchairs, that totally do not wisper subliminals into their riders ears, slowly turning everyone into gourmands with iron stomaches.
Who may or may not be responsible for the weird strain of muscle parasites and fibrous mechanites, that seem almost symbiotic somehow…

Some states may also be cool, as well as feeder intentions instead of just wanting to self-fatten. Imagine a food binge, but reverse, hastily putting as many calories as possible into as small a space as possible and giving it away, with some insistence and convincing.
Imagine your star trader, with 20 social, suddenly using all their charms to convince everyone to hold a small party with one cake for everyone. With seconds on the way.
And once everyone is incapacitated by the stuffing, keeping them topped up until the feeder falls asleep from exhaustion.

Just some ideas I wanted to throw into this thread.


Found a small bug with the devracesupport alpha branch. Quick glace and I don’t think anyone else has brought it up, but for the Anty and Ratkin race, if you go to the alien body settings and change their size from the (anty only / ratkin only) setting to the standard size setting, the thin model is missing and displays as a missing texture. afaik it only happens with the thin model, and these are the only two races I play with, so idk if this happens with any other race but wanted to bring it up in case it was going unnoticed.
Only reason I like using the standard models over the race-default ones is because it matches the description tab better lol

By the way, this mod is awesome man, you’ve single handedly got me into rimworld with this how much fun it is to play using it

where is the download link for the weigh gain mod beta?