Royal Banquet: A quick princess themed, stuffing romp. UPDATE v1.4: Divine Dining Edition

well it is okay things changes in life and we have to change with it but all I can say is good luck on your next idea.


Holy shh i thought you dead or something lmao. I’m glad you still alive and i wish you luck with your next projects this year ^ ^

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As far as I’m concerned your game isn’t “Discontinued or abandoned”. It’s finished. You have multiple enjoyable endings and a decent amount of game time should someone choose to see them all. That sounds like a nice finished game wrapped in a tidy bow to me.


Since the game was discontinued before any pregnancy endings were implemented, I went and added my own. I’m sorry/you’re welcome!

Content Warning: Weird Shit Ahead


Never thought I’d see anything come out of this game again. It’s cool you’re keeping it alive. I found two endings, but can’t seem to find anything related to that second screenshot. Are there more than two?

You can now open the honey jar in the throne room next to a suspiciously open window.

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Can you tell me how to get down the stairs in the kitchen?

Like the golden bowl it doesn’t lead to anything yet.

I really liked this new endings, though I’m kinda disappointed that there was no other sprite change for the kingdom of pregnancy ending besides the queen, also the fact that it implies male pregnancy is personally not my thing

So i found the bee endings are there more?

There are the two pregnancy options (interact with a book in the floor in the first hallway)

maybe i just havent explored enough but how did you get that ending?

Came back to this upon learning someone made an addon to which I am honestly flattered and flabbergasted. I’m honestly surprised people are still interested in something that I ultimately view as a failure.

Right now I’m currently talking with others about potentially handing over the project to better hands, but given the spark of interest, maybe I’ll revive this project? That’s a BIG maybe, though.


I think the statement “popular support, development failure” may fit here

Let me assure you: It was but a temporary setback…

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This is an amazing mod, and I’d love to make it official content. How would you feel about this?


Alrighty, official revival bump.


Sure, sounds great! I added you on the thing if you want to talk details. Otherwise you can use what I added however you like.


Does anyone have a guide, or at least hints, for getting all the endings (at least for the original/official version)?

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it’s amazing to see this project be revived, hope it goes swimmingly!