Sarah Goes to College—a Quest text-adventure—New Release (No Joke!)

I’m so excited to see this coming back around - I love the new setup and depth this far and can’t wait to see how things progress.

Two bug issues - first, the Madison “I’m starving” one showed up for me as well, with it repeating without getting to either their Mom showing up or Sarah going to her room.

Second, if you follow Summer’s route (org chemistry, do all the various things that boost others’ weight and Sarah’s hitting +25 lbs), if you check the mirror before going home at the end of the semester it just says “error.”

This is a fantastic reboot. It seems like a really great foundation.

If you’d rather I didn’t, I’ll delete this, but I poked around in the source a little.

For the EFF Dorm 2B Mirror, I think the last “Else If” statement should be “Sarah.weight=145” instead of “Sarah.weight=140”.

When talking to Madison, the “I’m Starving” script attempts the expression “Sarah.glutton+1”. I think it should be “Sarah.gluttony+1”? Also, the end of the script tries to increase “Sara.Weight” and “EFF Sara.Weight” by 5, but I think to match how you did it in other locations it would be “EFF Sara.Gain”?

I really loved playing through this, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Thanks. Those seem to be the most common bugs people have been encountering, and thank goodness they’re small fixes. It’s nice to be able to fix something immediately rather than spending hours trying to figure out why it’s not working like I did when I first started teaching myself how to do this a few years ago.

I’m also really happy this has been so well-received. I guess part of me worried no one would care after so long without an update, or that they wouldn’t like the changes. It’s really gratifying to know that’s largely not the case.


Thanks for your service sir. Also how does one go about getting started in quest/textadventures. I’ve been making a game in twine but I want to convert it to quest, but the coding for it seems much more difficult to master. Any tips or should i just do renpy or something?

Are you supposed to only be able to join one club? or is it intended you can join both the gaming and film clubs at the same time?

Quest’s coding is easier and simpler and less freeform than twine’s. At least imo. So, your reasoning would be the exact opposite…

You didn’t just open a quest games code in notepad did you? if you open a quest games source code in quest it opens a nifty editing program for you.

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I agree with @namad, in that Quest is pretty easy. If you look through the tutorials on the website, it does a decent job of walking you through using their engine, which you can either download or use directly from the site. Thanks to a myriad of tools, you can do some pretty impressive things with no knowledge of coding required. Once I had some experience (and with a little help from Dr. Google), I was able to expand on that to both make things easier and remake the first stage of this game in about a week. All it requires is diving in and getting your hands dirty.

As for the game, the only exclusive choice is the one at the very beginning. You can join both clubs, but there are consequences.


Having the similar girl as a roomate when you pick ‘creative writing’ is a nice stealth joke :stuck_out_tongue:

e: as a side-note, it’s possible for the mirror to throw up an error message if you go down summer’s route, probably from gaining more weight than the game can account for right now


This game is one of my favorites on WG. No matter how long it is between the updates, I keep coming back because I love your writing and the general concept. At the risk of repeating myself, the reboot seems like a great foundation for future growth.

Please let me know if you’d like me to stick this in DMs in the future to avoid clogging the thread (or refrain from it entirely), but I took one last look around the source (I’m terrible at making my own stuff, but love looking under the hood).

It looks like FF Summer’s code is set for her to gain 5 lbs if she’s in the play, 10 lbs if the player has a running accident, and therefore 15 lbs if both, whereas the EFF Summer code looks like it’s expecting her to gain 5 lbs if she’s in the play, 15 lbs if the player has a running accident, or 20 lbs if both.

As a final super-nitpicky point, the following items seem like they don’t have anything defined for the “look” verb: FF Car Keys; the four FF Cars; and EFF Dorm 2B Bed, Desk, and Mirror.


Thanks for the kind words, and helping me find those mistakes/omissions: I’ll get those corrected for the next release. One of my own personal goals in making this game was to have every interaction make sense. That means going as far as having a response when someone looks at the car keys.

That said, not having a description for the cars was a purposeful choice. I was trying to simulate that feeling of walking into a large parking lot with no idea where your car is at, without clogging the game with a bunch of assets. It’s why the game randomly turns one into “Your Car” when the keys are used. I love little touches of randomization like that. My hope is it makes the game feel a litlt emore real and a little less like a contrived plot by someone with little programming experience. :slightly_smiling_face:


I as well enjoyed this but the map took a second to get used to as you start off with so much more map than last time

@iod9963, I’ve been looking at the code/project of the original and am slowly learning bits and pieces, all in all its very interesting.
First of all I want to give you and any other creators out there a massive thank you, it isn’t easy to write up so much, especially the branching paths.
I want to try and add the next part of school, already I have some ideas for the path I’m interested in, but nothing for any other path (I guess I’ll work it out later).
I won’t publish it or anything. It’s just for my own purposes. I would be interested to hear what your plans were if you had gone forward. Maybe you could PM me?
Anyway, keep up the great work, I know the new version will be amazing.

I’m kind of lost when i started this game… Can someone tell me what to do?

Edit: oh nvm, i think its better playing in pc than playing it in mobile, hope this game continues, looks promising

Keeping track of all the branching paths is challenging. That’s partly responsible for why I decided to go back and redo it, as the original build was so unwieldy. There were also issues with the storyline, too—since what little conflict I had got resolved during the cruise sequence, it was hard to think of where to go from there. I had some vague ideas about declaring a major, but other than that, I kind of painted myself into a corner. And while I’m not happy I had to restart this from scratch, it’s given me a chance to start laying the foundation of a stronger story going forward. One that won’t, hopefully, roadblock me.


Yeah, I have an idea of what to write for a very specific path (the fattest) going into the Sophomore year, but then I realised that I might also have to write all the other options… Very tough. But I’m going to try and make it work at least for that path anyway, just to learn. I guess if you need any assistance feel free to ask.
As an Australian I have no idea how American College works, I have had to look up some stuff but am still poorly informed…

Happy Friday, everyone. Latest update of the game has been published: the link at the top of the page will get you there, but I’ll also leave it here. This update includes a much expanded Christmas episode. If you find any bugs, no matter how small, please let me now so I can fix them. And enjoy.


Am i blind or can I not find the garage for the trash?

The garage is on the right/east side of the house, south of/below the game room.

I like where this is going, clearly a lot of effort is being put in the game. Can’t weight (ba dum tsss) to see the cruise get re implemented again.

I’m Having trouble finding the keys. There’s a good chance I’m just being unobservant and missed something obvious but would one of y’all be willing to offer a hint?