I’ve created a weight gain ruleset for my favorite RPG system in the universe, Savage Worlds! I was inspired by stuff like Adipea and Expand&d for dungeons and dragons, and thought that SW could use a bit of corpulent adoration! I’d love to know what you all think, and I hope you have fun with it!
Content Warnings: Weight gain, fatness, stuffing, one specific instance of vore (in the Weird Edges section under the heading “Voracious”), micro/macro, mild teasing
Savage Weight.pdf (109.2 KB)
Fair warning, the formatting might be pretty bad, and the wording is a bit rough, especially at certain points! I’ve done my absolute best to include examples where necessary to try alleviating a bit of confusion, but I don’t know that I’ve succeeded entirely. If you have questions or critique, I’d love to hear it!
Embarrassing! I left out some pretty critical stuff in that first draft, so here’s an updated version with some minor fixes and additions:
Savage Weight Fix.pdf (111.8 KB)
It has come to my attention that the rules for changing size are, to put it bluntly, spaghetti. I shall endeavor soon to simplify and improve them.
New Branches! Presenting Savage Weight with vore and minor slob:
Savage Weight.pdf (121.8 KB)
And Savage Weight with Neither!:
Savage Weight Nix Vore_Slob.pdf (117.2 KB)
These new branches are also slightly improved, although the bulk of the section on changing Size is still spaghetti. I’ve added an addendum to that section that essentially fixes the problem by presenting a streamlined (or bypassed? Whichever you like) version of the rules. Unfortunately, I have forgotten to update the foreword for either edition.
I’m alive! Hello everybody, I hope you’ve been well. While I’ve been gone, I’ve worked on Savage Weight on and off, cleaning up some wording here or there and adding new rules besides.
I think the major additions in this update are rules regarding Vehicles and Size, the addition of a Races section (only one Race at current, a modification of a base game Race), and a few new Powers.
I have also included, mostly because I was too lazy to make a copy of the document without them, monster concepts for the planned bestiary mentioned in the thread below. They are largely devoid of stats and are not representative of their final versions.
This release has no non-slob non-vore branch yet, sorry, that may or may not ever surface. The release in question is available now for download here:
Savage Weight-2.pdf (159.9 KB)
Also! Here is the latest version of the Sci-Fi setting expansion I’ve mentioned here before:
Dionysus-1.pdf (132.8 KB)
As always, have fun reading, please give feedback if you use the ruleset, and thanks for taking time out of your day to visit my little corner of the internet!