Savoring Sword - Android version now available! šŸ„

Iā€™ve played quite a bit of this over the last two or three days and I really like it, although there are some minor issues Iā€™ve come across:

  • Mad Fatters and Aliens seem a bit bugged - most of the time it seems only one per floor spawns properly, while the rest only load the map sprite, with the enemy data showing no name, 0/0 stats, and a Mimic portrait. The bugged versions also donā€™t give experience when killed.

  • Iā€™m not sure what the exact cause is, but with the wrapper that enables shards spawning in the dungeon, shards will sometimes appear on/in(?) walls - thereā€™s no visible sprite, but an extra space on the map denotes where they are, and claiming the shards allows you to pass through the wall, though it doesnā€™t remove the wall texture as if it had been destroyed.

  • I think the ratio of actual game content to unlockable post-game content is a little low - Iā€™m on my fifth cycle and only have about as many shop outfits, as well as half a dozen or so modifiers - and thatā€™s with both a wrapper and gumball boosting my sprinkle drop rate. At that rate Iā€™ll still probably clear out the shop items before unlocking all the wrappers, but the amount of gameplay that actually changes meaningfully based on unlocks doesnā€™t seem to justify how may runs it takes to unlock everything. Iā€™ve also only ever come across floors with sprinkle monsters twice, both on my first NG+ cycle.

  • The full-res version of the game is using a whopping 7.8GB of VRAM for me, which probably means itā€™s loading in all of your gameā€™s assets at once, and explains why itā€™s running so poorly on other machines without that much graphics memory. Unfortunately I donā€™t know enough about how Unity manages asset packaging to offer advice there, but clearly some way of splitting assets so that assets that arenā€™t being used can be unloaded from VRAM would make a big difference.


@jimbobvii Thank you for letting me know about those bugs, as well as the feedback!

Could you give me some more information about the mad fatter / alien bug? How often it happens, are there any other monsters or just them, do any other bugs occur when that happens, etc. The more information, the easier itā€™ll be for me to pinpoint whatā€™s causing it!

I will also take a look into how the shards are spawning. The generator looks for spots in the dungeon where they can spawn, so I mustve missed adding a factor there.

I really appreciate you letting me know! Itā€™s sometimes difficult for me to playtest everything in its entirety since thereā€™s a lot of things that can happen with procedural generation.

As for the game content / shop items, I did want to make it a bit of a ā€˜grindā€™ so theres enough content to unlock in more than one sitting. (For people who want to come back to the game every now and again and have something to look forward to.) Also, monster girls have an equal spawning chance, with tougher enemies spawning on deeper floors. The Sprinkle Monster only starts spawning on floor 5, with every possible monster type by floor 8.

It was also my bad about the whole ā€˜performanceā€™ issue. Prior, Ive only made smaller / quicker games, and SS was a huge step for me since itā€™s my biggest game yet. You are exactly right about it loading in every game asset at once and thatā€™s where the issues happen. If I could go back in time, I would cut the game into separate scenes that would be loaded in one at a time, instead of everything at once. But I am still learning and hope to prevent this from happening again in the future as I continue to develop more games

Nonetheless, I hope you are enjoying the game so far and I plan to have an update for it soon(ish) that will fix all of the known bugs as best as possible!

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Iā€™ve only seen it with these two monsters - I havenā€™t noticed any other issues occurring at the same time, and modifiers donā€™t seem to be a factor (other than the one that enables aliens, but the bug happens with Mad Fatters even with it off). It seems to happen every time they spawn naturally, I canā€™t recall if Iā€™ve seen them spawn from statues or not. I canā€™t actually guarantee it happens with no wrappers enabled as I donā€™t recall when I first noticed it and wrappers canā€™t be disabled, but at the very least it happened as early as my first NG+ cycle, so the Chocolate Coin Wrapper was the only one I had turned on then. It happens persistently between game sessions and through NG+ cycles, but I havenā€™t yet tried a different system or clearing my save data to know if it always happens or if this is just a persistent issue with my save file.


The only thing I can think of that would cause something like this is an error in the code, where something happens that prevents the rest of the code from being read. Since the mimic is the first monster girl in the database, if an error occurred she would be the one who would show up. But the whole mad fatter thing is where it gets confusing, since I cant figure out why she would show up. Does she have a certain expression or is it random? And does she still change expressions when she moves?

Also, have you had any gumballs that you think could be causing the issue as well?

As for your save file, I doubt thatā€™s the cause but I can still take a look into it. If I was removing content then it could maybe be that, but I cant recall removing content, only adding content or switching content.

Also, thanks for the quick reply! Hope to hear back with more info soon

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@jimbobvii I did a little tweaking and hope I fixed it. Since it says youre a coder by your username (also, how did you get that? I want one lol) Iā€™ll quickly explain what I think the problem was. I had a public segment of my code that another script read whenever a mad fatter would be spawned, and it would send an integer to it. Iā€™ve had issues in the past where Unity had a hard time replacing the same variable in a single frame, so instead I added that part of the script to the other script so it wouldnt have to pull from it and constantly replace the integer.

Iā€™m thinking the problem happened when two mad fatters where spawned in the same dungeon, and if so, this should fix it. Once the next update comes out, I hope everything will work as intended! Thanks again for your help!

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Hi! I havenā€™t followed this project for a long time and only played the demo. And I was shocked that the full version became available so soon, but unfortunately only on Can you tell me when the game will be released on Steam? Right Now, I live in a country where there are problems with paying in dollars and other currencies, which is why Steam is only available platform for gamesā€¦

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@pOpLiK Im just finishing the last few steps and making sure everything works for Steam! My planned release date is March 29th


Will Savoring Sword be on nintendo switch?

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@Trash_Boat Most consoles are very turned away from sexual content / nudity and donā€™t allow it. I would if I could


it true. So i sorry for asking.

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Thatā€™s okay! I appreciate you asking!


The Steam version is here! There have been some complications running the game with less than 16GB RAM, so if your computer has less than that, please play the Demo first to see if you can run it!

If your computer does have less than 16GB RAM, the ā€˜BetterPerformanceā€™ files on Itch should fix the problem! If you are having any other issues, please send me a message and I will respond as soon as I can!

You can also find the game on my Patreon, which gives you up-to-date content and also allows me to continue developing weight gaining games!

(P.S. The Savoring Sword: Survival Guide is now available!)


Bought the game! I will try it on my Steam Deck :3


Aw thank you so much! I hope you enjoy @pOpLiK :blush:

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Finally, Iā€™ve been waiting for it to come on steam! My time has finally come, this has been my most anticipated game since Fatrifice 2 and Manor!


@LordOfDeez That means a lot, thanks! :two_hearts: Savoring Sword is a huge stepping stone for me since itā€™s the biggest game I made yet! I hope Starla can handle all of the belly expansions :yum:


Just got your collection on Steam, think I owned all but Savouring Sword on Itch, but since I got as much fun out of them as I did (and am likely to return to them again), glad to buy them again! Gonna be trying out Savouring Sword today at some point, will check back and give my thoughts soon, if I remember to at least.


Aw thank you so much @ManOfEgg I really appreciate the support and I hope you enjoy Savoring Sword! I need to play through all of my games too again at some point. I canā€™t believe I started out with such a small game like Fatrifice and got as far as Savoring Sword in a year. Iā€™m really excited to see what this year is like!

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I purchased the game on Steam but where can I find the better-performance files?

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@Wong_Ying_Sheng Unfortunately there arent any for Steam, they make it difficult to have multiple versions of the game. So, I ultimately had to choose the better quality one. The ā€˜BetterPerformanceā€™ files are only available on Itch.

Steam does offer refunds though if you have less than 2 hours of game time.

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