Savoring Sword 🍄

oh ya the max part i kinda meant for 20 is were you fill up to during the playthrough

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V1.3 is now available on Patreon! (Weight Gain Lover and Still Hungry tiers.) Supporting CCM allows me to continue creating more games like this!

V1 is also available for free on Itch!

V1.3 has everything V1 has, but also includes:

  • A new room with a new girl who gains weight.
  • A minigame.
  • The completion of the Modifiers, Wrappers, and Achievements.
  • A ton of Outfits to wear.
  • A bunch of new Monster Girls.
  • And more!

The final version of Savoring Sword is on Patreon! Weight Gain Lover Patrons get the base game and Still Hungry Patrons also get early access to the Greasy Starla and Nudist Starla outfits as well as an Itch Key for a limited time.

The game will release on Itch in the next couple of weeks, and on Steam at the end of the month. (You can wishlist it now!) Plus, an Android version sometime this month.

Version 1 is also available for free on Itch!

This has been a huge milestone for me, and I hope I can continue creating bigger and better games to come! :cookie:


Full game and demo now available on Itch! :mushroom:
You can also wishlist the game on Steam!

The Savoring Sword has been gifted to you by a mysterious woman! It feasts on the energy of everything it dominates!

Explore procedurally generated dungeons, fight monster girls, interact with your surroundings, collect items, and gain weight!

Savoring Sword


  • Three girls who gain weight.
  • Procedurally generated dungeons.
  • 30 monster girls.
  • Tons of traps and interactables.
  • A shop.
  • A minigame.
  • Over 10 Outfits.
  • Modifiers, enhancements, achievements, and more!

Still Hungry patrons get early access to the Survival Guide, and Weight Gain Lover patrons get early access to 2 outfits! Plus, the support helps me to continue making games like this! :two_hearts:


So the full itch release is lagging like crazy compared to the 1.1 release, which ran just fine on my computer, and it’s making the game completely unplayable.

@Qazqazqazway I am currently looking into that. It could mostly be caused by the amount of additional content (since it’s 4 months worth from V1 to V1.4) but it seems that the amount of RAM the game uses could be the culprit, especially if your PC has a low amount. I will let you know if I’m able to resolve this.

Im did a little troubleshooting, would someone be able to playtest it right away who was having issues before? I can change the windows version for the demo or full version, just let me know and ill let you know when i change it

yeah i can playtest it, it was the full version that was giving me trouble

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@Qazqazqazway Thank you! I uploaded a new version for the full version for windows on Itch, you’ll just have to redownloaded it again. Please let me know if you see any improvements! I changed the textures of everything in the dungeon from ‘sprites’ to ‘default’ and added in mipmapping that basically lowers the quality of distant objects. (V1 had this) Hope to hear that it works better, fingers crossed!

Yeah, it’s still almost totally unresponsive on my end. It takes several minutes just to get to your logo from a blank screen, and the gulp sfx for it is desynced. Just having the game open lags everything else on my computer, even after a restart. 1.1 didn’t put any strain at all on my PC, so I don’t get what the issue is.

@Qazqazqazway I’ve been trying to figure out why this is happening for a while now, but I didn’t realize it was this big of an issue. (Works fine on my computer so it’s hard for me to troubleshoot it.) Im gonna keep messing around with it rn, maybe I’ll do some adjustments to the audio, and let you know when I have another version ready to try out if you have the time?

Yeah, that sounds good to me

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Tested the demo on my end, everything ran smoothly and RAM usage never went above 750MB. Of course the full version may just be more intensive but unless that has way more content in the dungeons or the texture resolution is higher then I can’t see it using much more RAM. This is assuming the demo is just a progression-restricted version of the full game though, not an older build.

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@Wulf_Diomhaireachd Oh that’s interesting, because the demo should be using about the same amount of performance. The demo basically just creates a wall in between content, but doesnt actually lose any amount of it. I will have to take a look into this too, we may be getting closer to the reason why

@Qazqazqazway @Wulf_Diomhaireachd Could you check the ‘qualitytest’ version and see how it runs? I changed the audio compression so it uses less RAM

Yeah, same ol’ so far. Holds on a white screen for a while, then holds on a black screen. Logo and sfx are desynced, and then it only leaves the logo and gets to Akana if I let it do its thing for another hundred years.

@Qazqazqazway honestly i feel bad about this. Did you play the demo too? Does it run any better like what @Wulf_Diomhaireachd said?

Tried the demo, got a lot of the same. Like, it could MAYBE just be my PC but 1.1 ran smoothly, so I don’t get it.

No, I can confirm, I played the demo and it was the same bad performance,stuttering and freezing. It’s something proper of the game itself somehow.

@Qazqazqazway @Mathias_Carmen_Reino From what I gathered, the game runs fine on newer PCs, but there’s a huge drop in performance on older or less powerful PCs.

But Im going to try my best to figure out why, since you’ve paid for the full version and I want you to enjoy the game too. Ill keep looking into ways to improve performance, and Ill keep adding it to the ‘qualitytest’ files. This may take a little while, but I hope we can figure this out. Ill post again on here when I have a new version to test out

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