Savoring Sword 🍄

Played the Beta, loved the gameplay loop once again! I am not sure if the intent was for the game to be creepy but honestly it is kind of freaky at times :joy:. The audio cues and music are good and the rendering distance is just far enough that you can not truly see everything. I love that the enemies pop out around corners and just kind of creep into view. Love the work once again!

@irenicusmw Hope you enjoy the game :slight_smile: and you are right, I do have Beta and Alpha backwards. I don’t usually do Alphas (this is my first time) but I appreciate you notifying me of my mistake! @Bioshock_God Thanks again for your feedback! It’s definitely a creepy game :stuck_out_tongue: but I think that is also the reason why it is so fun! I have had a few moments where they pop around corners and I’ve screamed xp

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So, having played the Demo, and inferring a wee tad bit from what’s likely in the development build, I have a few points of note.

Firstly, this is a well put together game on first swing. Fun sprites, decent art, and well done 16 bit like environment. This is as much/if not more so enjoyable for the gameplay as the fetish content.

One thing I think in terms moreso of progressive power balance, is slightly bringing up the minimum damage per swing. The max level in the demo is set to 3-10, and obviously the 10 is a nice meaty swing. However, even after 5 levels, the minimum remains 3, and as someone who has seen shit in an outhouse with better luck than myself, having that low roll hit often can easily end a run. I’m a consumer of a good chunk of rouge lite/likes, so I’m very much not averse to slamming my head against the wall a few times till good luck drops, but having a bit of a small increase to base would be nice. This definitely isnt a huge thing in the demo, as there isn’t any increase in scales on mobs, but if scaling will increase as you grow more and descend further, that low ends gunna start to drag after a bit. You may even decide on a bit of a mechanic in it, actually. Something like ‘way of the grazer’ with more consistent but lower hits, and ‘way of the gorger’, which goes for a larger range, with higher potential.

That being said, I’m just a random dood on the internet, so take what you like. Interested to see where this goes from here.


@SquireAngel There’s still so much more content I want to add into the game to spice the dungeon up more. I eventually want to make this game a fun and new experience everytime someone plays it :grin:

In the Alpha, leveling up the Savoring Sword also increases minimum Attack too. I removed that from the Beta because it made it too easy and Starla basically never died :sweat_smile: but in the Alpha, since the dungeons get progressively hard the deeper you go, I put it back in.

There is also a progression system in the Alpha that increases the base Attack and Health. So currently the highest Attack power is 15 - 25. (16 - 26 with Powdered Sugar) Eventually, I will be adding in more ways to increase Attack beyond that too.

I do really like the ‘way of the grazer/gorger’ idea! I could probably make it so that if you deal low attack damage a few times in a row, the game will automatically deal high damage the next time so it evens it out a bit. (And maybe vise versa)

Either way, thanks for the feedback and glad to hear you enjoyed the game so far! :relaxed:


playing the beta, and i am just wondering what the sprinkles are for. i assume there for the shop or something?

@GLITCHY You are correct, Sprinkles are used to buy things from the shop in the Alpha.

Am I the only one that hasn’t figured out a way to heal?

You use the flowers(?) off the vine covered walls. Walk up, interact, profit.

@TheLoller Unfortunately, the vines are the only way to heal in the Beta. In the Alpha, you can buy potions from the shop and use them before going to the next floor. And I plan on adding in more ways to heal as I continue to update the game.

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So at least there is a way to heal, that’s more than enough knowledge to live


The first version of Savoring Sword is now available on Patreon!

Newest versions will be available to Patrons first and foremost, but will be available on Itch at a later time.


  • Two girls who gain weight.
  • Procedurally generated dungeons.
  • Over 15 monster girls.
  • Tons of traps and interactables.
  • A shop.
  • Outfits, modifiers, wrappers, achievements, and more.
  • Updated regularly with new content.

If you haven’t already, you can get a taste of what the dungeon crawling experience is like by trying out the Beta on Itch!


I loved playing the demo! The only problem I had was I ended up getting a little motion sick after playing the game for awhile. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the dungeon wall textures or if it has to do with the rapid camera turns when you change direction but, I found myself getting a little nauseous after playing for too long which is sad because the spriting and gameplay mechanics are super interesting.

Either way seeing from your previous projects, I am super excited to see where this goes!

@rocketman2000 I have made a few improvements since then, like making walking more fluid where Starla doesnt abruptly stop on each tile, she continues to walk. And by adding more things to the dungeon (examples in the screenshots) i think it made the visuals less repetitive.

Nonetheless, thank you for letting me know and I’ll see if there is anything else I can do to make the game more visually friendly :blush:

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So after playing it I do have a few things that I think can be added perhaps to make the came a lot more fun and ‘immersive’!

For one, audio wise being able to also hear how heavy you are would be pretty nice. Something like making the audio for walking more lower, or turning into stomps could be nice. Other things like the character burping and perhaps heavily breathing every odd step too at larger sizes could be a fantastic detail to add alongside the visuals.

Speaking of! For visuals I love the fact that you can see your own body get fatter as things progress! I think what could be added here is maybe movement? Like each step causes the visuals at the bottom to bounce up and down, perhaps followed by a mini screen shake along with the audio.

For now that is mostly my two cents on the matter. Fun game! Love it a lot! Cannot wait to see what else you’ll add to this because I feel like thi can be a project you can put a tooon of stuff into to keep the ball rolling!


@Lost-Gambit I like it! The heavier steps, the burping, and heavy breathing are really great ideas to add some immersion! I was also thinking of possibly adding in some belly gurgling if she hasn’t eaten any food for a while. (I also need to add in more food options into the dungeon as well.)

Some belly bounce could add a nice touch too :drooling_face:

Happy to hear you are enjoying the game so far! I definitely want to take my time on this project and make the most out of it!


this game looks so promising!! never give up on it! :smile:

@iagree1234 Thank you!! :blush:

  • Version 1.1 is now available on Patreon!
  • Version 1 will be coming soon to Itch in January!
  • Beta is currently available on Itch

Version 1.1 contains more monster girls, traps and interactables, Wrappers, Modifiers, Outfits, and improvements.


Hey, will the game will be available on Steam?

@Majesty It will be available on Steam after more content is added to the game.

Adding a game on Steam is a costly and timely process. I need to pay a fee for each game I add on Steam, plus alter the coding in the game so Steam can verify it.