I’ll take a look, most people haven’t seem to have that issue. I will say several people have been confused since there is a 2nd level to the castle in which you can be on top of the castle outside in which you have to go back inside and down to the first floor in order to leave the zone.
Hmm, okay, I’ll have to try it again. Maybe I got confused on the way. However, I have another question. I helped the lady that smuggles you into Royal City (Sonia I think?). Then she said she’d come into the mansion with me. However, afterwards I went into the mansion, I couldn’t find her. She only seems to appear for me when the maids are chilling in the hot tub.
Strange, I’ll take a look at it. Yeah she should be there. Sorry about that. I have a feeling I might have put in a switch on accident that might not make her appear when she should.
The bug with Valoria not being able to birth seems to be tied together with switching costumes because almost every time it happened it was after changing cloths for locations that require swimsuits. She has max power but can’t birth and her splash art also doesnt reflect the actual power level. To fix this I always reset her power at the shrine and get her to full power again make her birth and that fixes everything. This bug has appeared about 4 times during my playtroughs.
And also in the mansion u talk with Tyrany and he tells u to go meet him south of the mansion but i newer found him. And I think i reached the end of the latest build because the quest hints tell me to go to a forest west of royal city but i cant walk inside it idk fi that’s a bug or just the end for now.
And the last thing i have an item that sais in its description that Celia would be inrested in it but i don’t get any specile dialogue when i speak to her she just repeats her generic lines.
Thanks, yeah I have several bugs I need to fix this weekend including the birth bug as well as celias questline. Did you finish the first part of her questline, after that she should accept to artifact. Tryanny will play a part of the story much later, as for the forest to the west, that will bw in the next build.
How can I help Mishu in Nekko village? When I talk to her, she only talks to the npc line.
There is a chest in the desert temple that you need to open. To do open the chest, you need to do celia the maids questline first.
How do I complete the celia the maid’s quest?
question is there a divine milk in the game yet or no?
Speak with Celia to start the questline, you should look for a fertility artifact at one of the past temples you visited. Divine milk is in the game, you just have to help those cowgirls level up. (I think level 3 or 4 is the max at the moment.)
Wasn’t the fertility artifact in the Silence temple? I can’t open the box even though I delivered the artifacts. Is there anything else I can do after delivering the artifacts?
So there was a bug with the original release of the build that prevented that. I updated the build so you might have to redownload the game and transfer your saves over and it shold work.
I found two more errors. One is the npc part of Royal City, where the body is pierced into the chair, and the other is the player’s body disappears down the stairs of the house next to Royal City. I’ll show you a picture.
I have two more questions. Who is the woman after Mishu, the fortune-teller in the Neko village? And can I get this demon in the casino pregnant? If so, what should I do?
So to give everybody a heads up, the latest’s build had several bugs. I tried to fix them but likely I’ll have to wait to this weekend to release another bug fixed build. I’m saying this in the case with mishu, there was a large bug where people couldn’t progress past her.
Now for the fortune teller quests.
After Mishu is a certain woman in lakeview, should you help her gather seeds.
After her, is spirit you can find in the game who you help gather lost spirits. You can find her in Sonia’s old camp.
Finally there is a particular monster girl in the royal city sewers who will run away from you unless you have a specific item, which can be found on a mountain.
As for Lady Luck, the owner of the casino, she isn’t big into the idea of carrying eggs. You’ll notice once you meet her (unlock her room) several of the bunny girls in the casino will help carry succubi eggs so lady luck doesn’t have to.
why i got feeling you going make leah a big sister?
Bug report
Just downloaded latest version and carried over my saves. There seems to be a bug with the passive gain ability once the timer hits zero there will be a ping noise and the timer will disappear. I didn’t get any power and when I went to the temple to turn it back on it came up with texting making it out it that it still was on. Tried turning it off and on but it didn’t do anything.
Thanks, i put in an update so that the power gain should work behind the scenes without the need of a timer but it looks like there are some problems, I’ll take a look.
I got 3 questions while playing the game.
- How many souls can you give Hiyokuna now?
- What do you take when you need flowers to talk to Lily the Slimane? Do you need anything other than a flower necklace and a flower petal? Or do I have to do something else besides flowers?
- What should I do to get Cindy pregnant?