I’ll take a look, thanks!
Also I’m looking into updating the main character CGs, both to get away from eula of the original art as well as have the pregnancy on the main characters look more natural. Here is an example of what you can expect for Leah.
Looks real nice! Definitely digging the new style.
I have a sneaking suspicion that original CGs will make it easier to create character artwork for even larger sizes than those currently present.
ooo that looks a ton better, always preferred the angled view art over front facing
I kind of hate to agree, but even I am kind of anxious over the switch to full CGs. I’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of HimetsuDragoon’s larger belly sizes when combined with Lunatic’s coloring. Both are decent artists, but something about their combined work leaves a level of…lifelessness that doesn’t mix well with either the default RPGMaker tileset or the old CG edits. There was something kind of magical about how HUGE Leah looked at even the smaller sizes, as if you could feel her enormous weight, much more than the other two. It helped sell that she’s really is Damia’s Champion, and that she had the hallmarks of it.
I’m worried that the shift would lose out on that, as neither Himetsu or Lunatic do larger sizes, if not as well on their own accord (I still think the protag of Fertile Farm just…looks off in general), as well as I would like to see. Maybe it’s just my BBW fetish speaking, maybe I’m just being pessimistic (especially after the string of rough updates), but I don’t have much hope for those larger sizes.
All said, it’s good art, money well spent. If the goal is to have good looking art for the game, mission accomplished. I think, though, you missed an opportunity to do a full, or even minor redesigns for everyone. Kind of misses the point of having full art for everyone when you go ahead and just do the same designs again. I know you don’t want to move away from the characters as people know 'em, especially after these years, and I know it would follow changing the sprites to suit, but…
how much would it cost to get Leah a decent pair of pants?
I fixed the blacksmith’s husband but no chest ever spawned anywhere. He just repeatedly gives me the quest without spawning it though there is a small void in the bottom of the tower area in the forest where I think it should be. It sparkles for 2 squares and I can walk 3 into it until I’m standing in the void but there’s nothing there.
I think that whole chain broke, it seems whatever changes in the background happened have messed with the triggers for the chest spawn
oh that reminds me for the desert temple the part that has a locked up snake girl it has some bugs
The chest showed up after I restored the temple. Then the rest of the chain afterwards worked.
I agree with your points. If there’s no way to make larger belly sizes look good, then it’s better not to add them. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do so. For example, if the new portraits don’t quite capture Leah’s weight or sense of size, then perhaps a minor tweak or two to her pose and facial expression might accomplish it. The benefit of new artwork made from the ground up is that it provides creative control over every aspect of the end result in ways that a shopped image doesn’t. Naturally, this includes outfit changes, too.
Obviously, even the smallest of adjustments come at a cost, be it money paid to the artists or simply time spent making them. It’s not up to us, the players, to decide which changes are or aren’t feasible or beneficial enough to bother making.
The entire desert area seems super buggy. Invisible walls, the wrong dialogue outside the pyramid, bastet seems to have not been labeled as beaten in the save file, a lot of people and things can either not be reached or spoken to including a couple spirit statues that costed 3 in the same area as the snake lady who I can’t open the door to even though I have the key.
Just seems like a lot of triggers are completely broken in a lot of places but for my game, the entire desert area seems mostly broken.
yeah I have so far refused to post on the desert because it feels like a show of what to expect rather then an expansion
talking about the pyramid bugs, is there a way to like, restore it to how it was before you explored it? because there was no “youre going the wrong way” i went there before restoring the temple with the gems and i think because of that i might have removed a skill that i was supposed to get after defeating the cleopatra, i dont know anything about coding but it would be nice if the whole place got restored when you updated the game and kept your save file
I just stared this and have to say I liked it a lot more than I thought I was going to. I’m not super into the genre, but had heard good things so I finally got around to checking it out. It’s well done, granted I haven’t finished it yet.
Just want to say this is very good and thanks for making it.
Hi, I had a problem in the pyramid. I got stuck in a tile and now I can’t get out. My only save file is the one of when I am stuck in the debris. Is there any way to get out of it?
As far as I can tell, most of these don’t have an escape. You might need to just restart. But make sure to report the bug here, take a screenshot so that your sacrifice is not in vain!
The chest for first secret recipe did not appear in fresh game. It seems that last the page of the event EV018 was blocking it (latter pages have higher priority?). The path to the chest was visible, but the chest itself was not there. After blocking last page of the event by editing Map002.json, the chest appeared. I’m using Linux, with nwjs 55.0 extracted over Windows build, but I guess that does not matter (it did not matter in any rpgmaker game I played so far).
So many bugs need fixed.
- After the 2nd crystal that gives the perk to passively grow seeds gets added, the skill birth doesn’t get added even at max power of 300 and text is said. this may also be the case when the 3rd party member gets added. And this can be fixed only when the characters wear bathrobes.
- In the pyramid after falling down there is a single piece of debris that you can walk over but cannot leave that specific tile after walking over the debris piece.
- In the silent temple area: missing angel.png or something like that.
- Lakeview smithy, after talking about more advanced recipe and trying to leave: fail to load Black smith Husband.png
- Pyramid area where the snake lady is. Several statues and the jailgate can’t be activated