Shitty Mart Inc. - Employee of the Month

Nothing here, take care.


Something something Palpatine meme


Does this feature female-wg or male-wg? Or neither or both?

Self Drawn art cant wait to see it man. What program are you using?

Haha, I may have been overselling myself a bit there. It’s still just me mucking around in GIMP, but I think it looks… like it was drawn by a five year old but decent XD I may not have all the art finished by monday, but I’m trying my best :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but I’m stuck at the first day. I worked until 5 energy remained so I could leave without fainting. However, when I tried to leave, I couldn’t because I still had work. But if I worked more, then I would faint, and fainting doesn’t end the day or give back energy so I ended up repeatedly fainting. Heck, in the new version, when I fainted, it led to a game over. So I really have no idea what to do.

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Hey, art is art!! You’re giving it a try. I recently picked up a pencil/stylus and have been trying to give it a go, and I just keep reminding myself that I’m having fun and starting somewhere.

Take a trip to the break room and get yourself a sandwich

The last update before the end of the Jam. This is the version submitted.

I didn’t finish the artwork for the girls, so that will come later. And a few other things still needs some polish, but overall I am happy with what I got done in 72 hours.

Did I miss something? I can’t get passed the second day. It won’t let me move on from the tenth robot, whether rejected or accepted.

I’ll look into it. It worked before publishing, but things happen in code :slight_smile:

I seem to pass it just fine. I do however see a problem in the reception on day two where a message repeats. I will get that fixed up.

Did you take your uniform off before trying to leave work?

I actually got the same problem. After the tenth robot in the second day, the message to confirm that it was the last one never came, so it was as if there was still work to do and I couldn’t leave, but no more robot came. And yes, I removed the uniform.

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to add on to this issue, after the first day, the game seems to skip straight to day 3 no matter what I do, and then after the 10th bot there is no message nor another bot, so the game doesn’t let you progress.

Been trying to recreate the issue all morning at home. Would love to see a screenshot on the discord so I can see what happens.

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A feature complete version with a few tweaks is now up on itch! There may still be some bugfixes and little updates, but this should be close to a final release. Hope you guys enjoy it!