Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs (Full release public beta)

I don’t know if I’m the only one but I found it really hard to beat the score challenges for blueberry mode. In final final version, I’d maybe add a easy mode for those challenges.


Not to brag, but the Blueberry mode of the boss felt fine. Manage to get both objectives handily as the starting score threshold felt pretty generous- definitely moreso compared to some of the earlier levels, echoing Lunar_Eclipse’s comment about unduly hard challenges early on.

A trick I found with the boss on Blueberry mode is that only when a wisp is released do you need to measure and count your shots. The times that you need to simply slam them you can just rush into position heedless of the number of shots.

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By the way, with the way the game is structured, it looks like a level creator could be possible in the future.

That would very likely extend the lifetime of the game if we could make our own fatty golf course~

As cool of an idea as it is (and boy is it cool) I don’t have the kind of skills necessary to make that possible, I don’t think. But it is something I will consider

This has been a lot of fun so far. I love all the various members of weight gaming getting cameos, as well.

If I may ask, could I get some hints on cooking a burger on the Fats Food level? I’ve bounced the burger off the fryer a couple times, but nothing has happened yet.

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yes yes this would be the absolute best. and if it was possible to do that and continue swelling in blueberry mode. hoo boy


It is unfortunately bugged! It will be fixed in future updates

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Yep, the constant swelling and groaning noises were a different kind of hotness altogether! Maybe make unlimited swelling a reward for beating the boss in Blueberry Mode?


If you want to implement something but do not have the required skills look to your peers
One shall inevitably have the required ones
Ps my favorite skin admittedly is blubber ie the sumo polar bear one, now if only the females assets expanded in the game as well, mayhaps if the game is modable then those with the right skill set could handle but till then
I shall enjoy this delight on my recently acquired computer
Pss the only gripe I have that isn’t glitch related is the inflation speed during blueberry mode, talk about fast