SoftFoxxo's Unfinished WG Platformer

I know this game’s files got corrupted at some point, but does anyone still have the download for this copy of the game? I don’t like the reboot, and the Dropbox download for this version is old and 404’d.

I just checked the link, and it works but only sometimes for people that aren’t the owner. Dropbox has been acting up lately, so I’ll look into making an itch .io page for it later today, since it seems more reliable. I still have the latest releases’ compiled version, so I can still reupload it. In the meantime until I have that page created, you can keep trying the link until it works. I’m sorry!

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There’s no “reboot”, just a different idea. I uploaded the last version of this game onto it. You can find it here:

If I do ever decide to come back to this concept, then I’ll make a new thread for it.

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