SoftFoxxo's Untitled Cooking Game (Latest Release: v2a)

I promise it’s a false positive. I made the game in Game Maker Studio 2, and someone else in the thread got hit by a false positive as well. I’ve run a scan on my desktop earlier, and it came back with nothing. If you’re able to report it in your antivirus, please report it as a false positive since this is an issue that can rarely crop up with games made in most versions of Game Maker for a long while now.


Updated the game to version 2! I fixed up the Food Queue to be significantly more usable, and I made it so from here-on out, you can press F8 on the Title Screen to reset the controls to the default. No need to delete your Data folder (and high scores) to fix your controls!


Compared to last year, i got no issues!
Plugged-in a controller just for the occasion.

Nice game!

ps: the music you got online is really a nice pick!


It’s probably the final update for the Jam - version 2a! Fixes one bug with the “Total Profit” value continuing to increase during runs - which didn’t affect anything besides looking funny, but I fixed it anyways. I also added random names for the customers now - there might be duplicates sometimes, but I added a lot of names to reduce the chances of it happening.


I love your cute style for this game and i want to see more of it in the future, altough it feels it can be a complete game, i would like to see more of the customers looks and body and wished you could impact them troughout the days, it would be delightful seeing a familiar face returning bigger and bigger every time they would order and then keep that size or bigger for the next day. For an early entry, i think you did great and wish you the best.


Super polished game! I ended up with about 2k extra on the second playthrough after figuring out a strategy, but it was still hectic trying to fill out everyone’s orders and remembering what all the hints meant (especially meat on vs meat in). I do wish it were possible to see what people were ahead in the queue and what they want though, so if like three people in a row want one thing I can take advantage of everyone.


Had a lot of fun playing this! I’d also love to see more come from this, too!


I believe the controls are broken in the oldest and latest build of the game as I cannot get any of the staff to cook the order, I am playing using a keyboard as well as I can select the food but not cook it.

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Are you using a laptop keyboard? If you are, try using either a USB keyboard, or a gamepad. Last year there was issues with laptop keyboards that I haven’t been able to replicate on multiple pieces of hardware that I own, and I haven’t heard anything from anyone else about this until now.
Also take a check on your computer’s keyboard settings, just in case there’s something weird going on there. The controls have worked across my desktop, and 2 different laptops when testing on my own.

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I am having problems using a usb keyboard.

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Check your control bindings just in case - if you can’t access the options menu because of this, press F8 to reset the bindings to default.
If that doesn’t work, I’d really recommend trying to use a controller, or try to use a different keyboard to check if your current one is having problems.

I’m using the default way that Game Maker Studio 2 handles inputs, so any issues that don’t involve the binding is either a hardware issue or a GMS2 bug (which is rare for inputs).

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First Round Scores

Jux Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 67
Writing: 30
Music & Sound: 62
Mechanics: 72
Game Concept 72
Use of Fetish 66
Judge Preference: 41
Total: 1410

Grimimic Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 72
Writing: 40
Music & Sound: 50
Mechanics: 5
Game Concept 70
Use of Fetish 45
Judge Preference: 0
Total: 1282

Squirrel Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 500
Use of Theme: 500
Art: 67
Writing: 22
Music & Sound: 74
Mechanics: 54
Game Concept 66
Use of Fetish 67
Judge Preference: 57
Total: 1407

Final Score: 4099

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