Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

If I may humbly submit, post-game brewmaster content like what was joked about in the Q&A would be absolutely baller.

No matter what though looking forward to it immensely, take all the time you need. I’ll probably be playing through the whole thing again from scratch when it comes out.


Aye, more Brewmeister content would be amazing. I just love how she’s written as this completely unabashed glutton.


Yeah I wanna see the brew master get the Grom the Paunch Treatment. Eating some troll meat and not being aware of it. that makes her so full that she can’t eat anymore and is Basically stuck like like that. It is gonna be really funny if that happens and she basically cries that she cant eat anymore because she is permanently stuffed.


Speaking of the Brewmaster, check out Grindaviking’s sketches of her. Her bratty and conniving essence is captured perfectly!


Just wanted to say ive been enjoying this game a lot! I do wanna say ive been playing it on mobile with Joiplay and cause of that i think some stuff is broken a little bit at least, im unable to check the quest trackers at all sinxe its all black, again i think thays cause of playong it on mobile, and i wanted to ask how to get the eastern secret recipe cause i cant seem to get it from the candy store, if anyone could help id appreciate it thanks a ton! And i love this game!

I’m pretty sure the quest list is just kinda buggy at places, and not much can be done about it. You may just be experiencing that.

It’s in the lab, just check the library and you’ll know what to do from there.

i fucking love this face, absolutely hilarious


I’d hang it on a wall if I had a wall worthy of it.

The anticipation of being so close to the next update is killing me. Let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I actually did finish the plot. Final boss and cutscene done, roughly 2.5 hours of gameplay all in. But this after party is looking pretty big, hope to have it done by end of June.


Good hope most of the chars will be there including The “Paunch 2.0” brewmaster. You deserve a long vacation once its been completed.

a TGT reference.

yeah… haha… who would spend more than 3 hours on this game…


can’t find the Peanut butter in the house. its driving me crazy. any help?

edit: library. im going to kill someone.



I kneel, my latest save is 48 hours. Can’t calculate time I’ve replayed scenes from various save points kept at certain times but I still don’t know if it gets close to 97.

And to avoid a double post, @Nerds that party sounds hype!

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I think my actual playtime is probably no higher than 50ish including some replay I did for the save in this thread, I have a habit of leaving shit running and going afk/tabbing out for like 5+ hours no matter the game

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Can someone tell me what I’m supposed to do with the “Visit the Grand Vizier” quest? He’s already given me the inquisitor’s hat, brooch and ring, and if I talk to the mob boss he just plays a sound effect. It feels like I’m done with the quest but the quest log hasnt marked it as completed and it still tells me “Do whatever the mob boss tells you to do”

I’m also not sure if I’ve done the Chuck quest correctly? I’ve done all three minigames in the capital but it’s still in my quest log. Is it supposed to go away?

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Phenomenal game BTW, a bit hard to believe I’m genuinely invested in the characters and story of a fetish game but here we are. I’d easily pay 10-15-20 bucks for this if the first half was polished a bit. Though in the Q&A you said it wasn’t really possible to change much about the first half, and even if it was, all the copyrighted music would definitely cause some issues if you tried to sell it.

As an aside, I think it would be great if there was some sort of hint system or something to give you tell you where quests are located. Having to go to every town and talk to every NPC to make sure I havent missed anything does get tedious pretty fast.

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