Spacethumper 2

I thinkn they should expand the team if they have one / programmers. This game has alot of potential of minecraft style “do your own thing” outside of the story which we haven’t yet seen and the emphasis seems to be on exactly that.

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The thing with the heavy elevator: i swear i could use the regular one even with 3 ‘bars’ of energy, that and transporting any more than that is just straight up not worth the time as even with max energy loss upgrade i loose half the energy i collected without getting anywhere, its just overall better to place a solar panel wherever you’re building and charge at there instead of transporting 4K of energy as 1. Takes ages, 2. You will loose most of it, so an elevator that is designed for carrying max-weight characters when you can barely move at that point sounds useless to me

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True, to be fair there will be teleporters and people even recommended stuff like conveyor belts to make the full weight transport less painfull. Atleast it’s preety realistic to their actual state.

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I was thinking there’s a bug on Freight Elevator that flings them into midair until it fixed itself when I enclosed first floor, even I can ride on normal elevator as same width.

I think I beat this game, I sealed both slime spawning spots with Energy Shields, all crew fully blobbed, all stats unlocked, (I wish could save this)…

Then what’s next? Will they settle in and terraform this planet to bring more to move in? Will they explore more on new places (and some new unlockables)? Will there some NPC crew members coming into this game, or will they wandering around? Can I mod fourth or more crew members into this game?

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Teleporter will probably be like the last game, the eng goal rather than something that helps move the crew around.

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From what I saw form the early build it’s a late game building that has an entrance and exit via the same building. Most likely used to place one in the beggining second in the middle or the other side of the map so you can instantly go instead of walking for a minute.

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I know there’s plenty of thought and effort being put to the gameplay loop and features, but what about the story? Sequels can be simultaneously easier and trickier to write for - good for having established characters and premises, but a challenge to have events flow from one ordeal to the next without it feeling contrived.

Something that always chafes me with direct sequels in videogames is having to relearn something like a tech tree that was previously established, although I recently hit upon a brainwave for an explanation for this in Spacethumper. Imagine if you will…

After Pilot’s initial ordeal surviving on the inhospitable planet, her success was commended and her… unorthodox means of survivial was analysed by higher-ups from what fragmented, uncorrupted footage they could recover from the damaged 53N (“Sen”) unit, along with Pilot’s own report. With an uncharted planet prime for exploitation, the brass see this as an opportunity not only to survey the planet and ready it for settlement, but also to “re-enact” Pilot’s survival mission as a field training exercise. Pilot’s mission will be to bring some fresh cadets with her back down to the surface and repeat her survival attempt, now documented by a fully-functional 53N.

The stakes may be a little lower this time, what with the orbital supervision and R&D having tweaked certain things in response to Pilot’s initial reports to ensure a team’s safety and security, but there is still a lot of this mysterious planet to explore - not to mention fresh faces who are about to get familiar with the concept of “spacethumping”…


It doesn’t seem like the elevator does a collision check for when you exit the cave. Essentially, if you press up while exiting the cave, you cannot move, even after deleting the elevator, soft-locking the game.

Another bug I found is that when you place a ‘large’ structure between elevated terrain and a platform, the game refuses to allow you to place it. Also, you cannot place another platform above the first habitat wall at the entrance to the cave.

I don’t know if anyone else has reported this bug, but here it is so that when switching characters, the textures for the platforms and habitat walls seem to ‘phase’ into each other or a texture for a building gets hidden behind the wall’s texture.

Also, an idea with the new characters. So through my playthrough of the game, I realised that you can pretty much just make your way through the game without using any of the other characters. That’s why I thought, why not add some structures or an ‘improved’ version of the current structures for mid and late-game that only a certain character can research and build, letting the player use the selection of other characters?

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The main thing is that I hope you can get the save system finished, as that will definitely be a helping hand when it comes to making something and continuing what you’re doing with tight time constraints.



I’ve been given the okay by Chubberdy to go ahead and try my hand at spriting the old Mechanic! Right now there’s no guarantee it’ll make it into the final game (and if it doesn’t, I can just release it as a custom skin instead), but here’s what I’ve got so far!

Chubberdy mentioned having trouble getting animations to look good at higher weight stages, so I decided to start at the maximum size so that I have a better idea of what size/shape I’m aiming for with the other sizes. The idea here is that the stored energy is much more heavily focused on Mechanic’s belly for whatever reason (probably the difference in anatomy between the two species) and he ends up basically having to push it along the ground, causing the lump of fat to shift inwards and upwards.

This gif switches between one of the standing frames and one of the “”“running”“” frames so that you can see the difference in shape. I’m not sure if it’s too much distortion or not, I think it looks good but obviously I don’t have a good frame of reference for what’s realistic here, so I’m open to feedback and/or suggestions.

Also, no markings on the suit yet since it’s a WIP sprite. When I finish the final version, it’ll be updated to match the Spacethumper 2 palette and have the lines and the belt and everything.



ahhhhhhh it looks so good mi amigo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Rough lines done for the full WG sequence. All I need to do is make the lineart less bad, refine any shapes that look wonky, add the suit details, and then I’ll have the base sprites for standing!

Stages 1-3 are entirely Chubberdy’s work, from some WIP files they generously lent me. (before you ask, NO i will not share them since they’re not mine to give out. please don’t bug chubberdy about them either) There might be one or two pixels changed here and there, but barely enough to call it an edit. Stages 4-6 are mostly Chubberdy’s work, with some bits rearranged and re-traced to better fit my stage 13 proportions. Stages 7-13 are from me, with only the head being traced from the original sprite. This is my first time making a proper WG sequence, so PLEASE let me know if anything looks off.

(specifically @Chubberdy if you have any feedback so far let me know, it’s your game after all)


No notes so far, can’t wait to see how these end up!


Try makeing it for android pls we beg of you

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If you want to fork over the $10 a month and the hours of dev time you’re welcome to. Try making your own game please I beg of you.




I dont know if it was a bug or just on my end, but if you’re using the elevator and the elevator got destroyed in the process, you cant move after that.

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  1. Habb walls can be placed in the same place as reinforced walls
  2. Attempting to do so crashes the game

Question: ETA on when saving will be added? Currently using a virtual machine for this and saving states for now lmao.

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You should join the discord. Updates with change logs get added their first before being moved to the forum. An update is on the discord that got added two days ago mentioning that saving is now implementing. I haven’t personally tried it yet tho


Let’s see if this works properly

Edit: you love to see it work. This is the link to the discord server, make sure to follow the rules when you go there of course

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