Spacethumper 2

The in development sequel to Spacethumper! Our intrepid pilot finds herself stranded on the same barren rock, but this time with some assistance. Quite a few things have been changed from the first game, but the main aim is the same: use yourself as a (mostly) mobile battery to build up your base and figure out a way off the planet.


Bug reports are always appreciated, as are QOL suggestions and other ideas.


What are the controls?
A and D to walk around, W to vent energy, Q to open the build menu, and E to interact. 53N has more tutorial stuff outside the cave.

Are there more weight stages than the first game?
Not yet! It’s a lot of work putting in a whole weight stage and I’m working more on the gameplay/story first.

Can you eat the slimes?
Nope, and no plans on putting that in.

What happened to the prestige system?
Turned out to not really work for what I want the game to be this time around, so just scaling up isn’t going to be part of the gameplay.

Is there a debug mode?
There is for me to debug with, not for everyone else. I don’t want to chase down a glitch that only happens when debug mode is enabled.

Will custom sprites be possible?
Eventually yes, I have a few ideas for how I’m going to implement them this time around, hopefully in a way that’ll be more user friendly (and will save me from having to explain how to get to the local appdata folder ad nauseum).



  • Miners and steam turbines must now be placed on their respective nodes
  • Miners can now mine metal and crystals simultaneously (where node placement allows it)
  • Right clicking no longer teleports enemies to your mouse
  • Right clicking opens building info menu instead of left clicking
  • Added dialogue (portraits are placeholders for now)
  • Added 53N to provide a quick rundown of mechanics
  • Adjusted volumes of player noises
  • Adjusted camera shake to have less intense but longer tremors
  • Added music to test volume slider
  • Added a few more gurgle sound varieties
  • Added sprites for steam turbine 3, laser turret 2, miner 2, barrier 2, accumulator
  • Accumulator is now functional
  • Steam turbine 3 is now size 3
  • Turrets no longer rotate into their own bases
  • Turrets are now drawn in front of everything else for clarity
  • Gauss cannons now functional (assets are placeholders)
  • Settings are now saved
  • Destroying generators powering buildings no longer crashes game
  • Added two new characters and pilot’s new base sprites


  • Added in the rest of the weight stages (same 14 from the first game)
  • Booster removed
  • Research now requires resources
  • Upgrades now functional and cost resources
  • Reworked pilot energy values
  • Adjusted slowdown with weight
  • Replaced placeholder portraits (still no expressions)
  • Added characters as npcs, talk to characters to switch to them
  • Reworked hitboxes to automatically adjust npc hitboxes properly
  • Reworked camera to allow smooth camera motions
  • Legacy pilot no longer accessible
  • Accumulator range increased


  • Mitigated crossing weight energy thresholds repeatedly while moving at lower weights
  • Squash effects no longer stack
  • “Advanced Mining” research renamed to “Crystal Infusion”, description text corrected
  • “Gem Cracking” research renamed to “Crystal Cracking”, description text corrected
  • Enemies no longer stopped by unbuilt platforms
  • Upgrading (building in same space as lower tier) platforms no longer crashes game
  • Elevators must now be placed on ground
  • Elevator platform now moves towards floor player is on only when player is on a floor, and at regular speed instead of player falling speed
  • Elevator platforms now correctly constrain themselves to elevator max/min height
  • Player can no longer walk/float above elevators
  • Player is no longer teleported to elevator platform when walking in front of elevators
  • Elevator speed now only slows down when moving upwards with higher weights
  • Arc field generators now functional
  • Resource GUI updated
  • Steam vent animation now pauses with game
  • Camera now sits a bit higher
  • Pilot’s base speed increased
  • Mechanic’s base energy transfer rate increased
  • Accidentally deleted code for drones and had to redo it, no idea if any of the values are the same as before
  • Miner’s drone mining rate and damage doubled
  • Miner’s drone laser cost increased by 50%
  • Added indicator when off-screen buildings are being damaged
  • Minor tweaks to pilot’s portraits


  • Drones now properly despawned when switching characters


  • Drone laser now pauses properly
  • Drone laser no longer fires while in non-pause menus
  • Metal/crystals no longer reset when switching characters
  • Laser 1 damage increased to 5/sec
  • Laser 2 damage increased to 10/sec
  • Laser 3 damage increased to 20/sec
  • Laser horizontal range increased to 6 tiles
  • Laser firing arc increased slightly
  • Green slime jump power reduced
  • Gauss horizontal range increased to 7 tiles
  • Freight elevator metal cost reduced to 4000
  • All structure’s energy cost increased by various amounts (previously all were 50)
  • Energy costs now shown in build menu
  • Structure holograms now slightly more transparent
  • Structures now have dust/sound/screen shake when fully built
  • Increased energy transfer rate upgrade effect to +20% of base energy transfer rate per level and max level to 10
  • Added resource capacity upgrade
  • Elevators and platforms now deal with overhangs properly
  • Several adjustments to the test map made
  • Added elevator noises
  • Added capability for stereo sound effects with falloff
  • Added room transitions and capability to store associated room data
  • Updated 53N’s tutorial text for characters


  • Fixed missing pixel and shadows on mechanic sprites
  • Structures keep correct energy cost after exiting and entering a room with unbuilt structures in it
  • Energy shield now repairs itself
  • Going through a transition while menus are open no longer crashes game
  • Metal/crystals stored in miners no longer resets when going to another room
  • Clicking on completed research no longer pays cost
  • Gauss cannon placeholder sprites replaced
  • Cleaned up the background tiles
  • Everyone starts in a cave now
  • Gave drones sprites
  • Accumulator no longer halves its own energy output
  • Energy costs listed correctly instead of using metal cost values
  • Base energy transfer rate increased by 50%
  • Adjusted drone decceleration
  • Made elevators quieter
  • Replaced placeholder sprites for arc generators (arc2 still needs an update though, but it needed a placeholder to check the animation was working)
  • Replaced placeholder sprite for spawner
  • Added walls to the edge of the map


  • Miners no longer mine while game is paused
  • Reactors no longer use up crystals while game is paused
  • Drone now stays at fixed height to stop it from floating away when gaining/losing weight
  • Decreased fuel consumption rate for fusion reactors
  • Elevator being destroyed while riding it no longer softlocks game
  • Being in a building’s menu while it’s destroyed no longer crashes game
  • Player becoming too fat/hanging off the edge of the elevator while it’s moving now forces elevator to move down to nearest floor
  • Hopefully fixed the issue with the check support script crashing the game, was unable to recreate this bug myself
  • Buildings are now placed on correct layer when loading areas
  • Implemented adaptive music


  • Fixed several issues with elevator audio inconsistency
  • There is now a title/main menu screen
  • Saving implemented
  • Solar panels no longer work in areas shaded by terrain
  • Building in cave disabled
  • Resources must now be on screen to be mined with drone
  • Fixed issue with reactors crashing the game


  • Build menu can no longer be opened on title screen
  • No more softlock in title screen advanced audio settings
  • Menu toggles now change properly on click instead of setting option on first click and confirming on second
  • Drones no longer stay at level above player when moving downward
  • Fixed support checking script, buildings can now be built on reinforced platforms and hab walls simultaneously/size 2 and larger buildings no longer destroyed when upgrading reinforced platforms beneath them
  • Enemy spawn timer no longer advances on title screen and in cave
  • Energy can no longer be gained/lost in cave
  • 53N no longer moves when game is paused
  • Game time saved properly (not visible but controls enemy spawns)



The sprites in Spacethumper need a bit of an update for this new one, with the first thing I wanted to fix being the colors. The palettes I had were pretty bad (mostly because I didn’t even bother creating a proper palette, mostly just used what was in Aseprite’s default colors), so I’ve updated both the player sprites and the buildings sprites with some fresh, and more importantly better contrasting and readable colors.

For the pilot I’m keeping the skin tones the same since those were pretty much fine already, but the suit colors are all blueish shades instead of warm of cool mixed together, and no more pure white for the majority of the suit.

Pilot Color Comparison

The buildings are getting a similar treatment, but with slightly darker colors so that the player character stands out more against them, as well as doing away with doubling up on line/fill colors (easiest to see at the top and bottom of the sprites below).

Miner Color Comparison


Oh, I can’t wait for it going to be lovely to watch the development~


Oh the hype is real for this! Lookin’ forward to how it’ll turn out!


Will there be a male variant of the character?


Not in those terms precisely, but I am planning on having multiple characters you can play as, as well as including a slightly more robust way to put in custom spritesheets for characters.


Oooooh, sweet, loved the first one. Can’t wait to see what you do for this one.


Ah nice! I’d love to see a male character, since ya have a great concept (also need to play the first game) but I’m just not too attracted to girls.


I recently enjoyed playing the first game. I’m excited to see what new stuff is made for this one.


glad there’s going to be a sequel/second one, will there be any new content in this one?

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That’s the plan, would be a bit odd if I made the same game twice!


true, which i was wanting to ask if this was inspired by me in any way

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Ah, excitement! Spacethumper is among my pet favourites and a game I will continue to recommend to others here.

Part of the reason I’m so excited is for the continuity of the characters - something that is rare outside of long-form genres (ie, your VNs and RPGs) - so we get to see more of Pilot’s reaction to her prior ordeal and how she feels about a new, similar predicament arising. Fear? Careworn resignation? Guilty thrill? Full commitment to becoming larger than previously possible? The mind reels at the story and character implications!
That the writing was of good quality in the first game, I have full faith in Chubberdy delivering once more.


I am hyped for this i cannot wait for it to come out ST 1 is amazing

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Ohhh, this looks like it’s going to be good. The updated sprites for Pilot look great already, and I totally agree with your decision to make the suit not be pure white (it’s a very light shade of mint in my HD pack.)

If you want help with any of the sprites, toss me a DM! I’d love to help out with this project.


Gonna follow this games development as closely as I did with your other games. Do you think you’d be in need of a tester of sorts to find bugs n what not? If so I’d love to help :slight_smile: , I’d like to help in anyway possible if ever need be, good luck on this regardless and of course take your time!

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Which is the newer sprite set? I can’t tell… It seems the one on the right is the newer one but you claimed you’re not doing two separate shades on the top of that building which only matches the left one.

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the ones on the right are the newer ones

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Yooooo I can’t wait!!! So exciting!!!

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There’s a sneak peek of a potentially new mining machine more powerful than the 3rd upgrade. It’s been shown on Chubberdy’s discord before- I can show it to you if you like?