Arch groaned softly as he slowly came too; a throbbing pain in his wrists as awareness slowly returned. The smell of something almost painfully-sweet reaching his senses as he started to cough himself awake; groaning as the soreness from his hands spread down his entire arm down to the socket. Opening his bleary eyes revealed a distinct lack of his own bedroom; let alone a bed. Solid stone walls, coated in some greasy-looking, vile ooze that seemed to seep through the very brickwork. A few swivels of his head revealed a giant pool of the stuff beneath where he was hanging; and two shackles around his wrists, hefting him into the air above it. He would rattle the chains, blinking the sleep from his eyes as the full pain of being hung to dry all night hit him; yelping in pain as muscles tugged back into place from the movement. As he recovered, the door at the end of the room would open, with a bulbous, flabby shadow taking up almost the entire doorway.
In walked a… Almost-average looking person if it wasn’t for the green stains running down her chin, the blank smile on her face, and the nearly seven-hundred extra pounds that dragged down her body. Her stomach pressing into the floor with every deep breath she took as she looked him over with a judgmental stare; her stretched-out clothes creaking softly as she forced them bigger each time. He opened his mouth to yell at her; to question her even, what was he doing here? Did she do this?
Before he could even get a single word out, a rattling-grinding sound came from above him as he suddenly felt himself drop a bit lower. He choked on his own words in surprise; rapidly glancing up at the roof where he had been chained; seeing the slow descent as his bare paws were dipped into the cold, mucus-like pool of green sludge beneath him. He tried to kick his feet as they were submerged, feeling as if he was being dumped into a giant vat of concrete. Wordlessly shouting as he was lowered further and further in, feeling himself practically sink up to the waist, his clothes pressing into him from the dense semi-liquid, a shiver running down his spine as the freezing weight pressed in all around him. He barely thought to gasp for air when his neck was at edge of going under, but by the time he had opened his jaw to take a deep breath slime was already pushing into it, sliding down his throat through the sheer weight of it alone.
He tried to keep his throat shut at first, but he just couldn’t. A sweet, metallic-tasting slime running down his mouth and pooling; it was like trying to weight-lift with just a finger. The heavy liquid quickly pushing down into his stomach in seconds as his entire head was submerged. Gasping for air; he wasn’t suffocating, but he felt as if he was being shoved down beneath an incredibly heavy fabric. Each heavy gulp brought a bit more air into his system, but hit his stomach like a pipe bomb, stretching painfully beyond simple over-eating after the first minute. Keeping his eyes shut tight beneath the pool of sludge.
He more heard than felt himself being pulled back above the surface of the liquid, The chilling, almost-solid body making it nearly impossible to feel anything else, even as his wrists practically screamed at him from being pulled back upwards. The first few breaths of fresh air were welcomed by a desperate sputtering and exhausted coughing. Leftover sludge that had clung to his fur splattering back into the pool as his waist was dug out, followed by his limply-hanging legs. Green sludge that had been stuck in his clothes was slowly pouring out of his pants leg as he panted, eyes slowly opening.
He glanced down at himself, cheeks going flush as he looked over what they had just done to him; his stomach practically sagging into his thighs at this point. A small, soft pot-belly danging from his once-lithe frame, dragging him downwards with its weight. Worse yet, he still felt cold and freezing on the inside; as if the flab wasn’t his own. Even his softened thighs felt as if they were balloons for the stuff instead of having been fattened by his own adipose, cold and soft beneath his fur.
He opened his mouth to speak once again; starting to cough and hack out the last remaining chunks of the thick slime. Mouth slurring and drooling as the stuff mixed with his spit, unable to keep thick droplets of saliva from dropping down his jacket. Every second that passed felt more like he just couldn’t get it out, a thickening clog in the back of his throat, his entire body having gone slightly numbed from the constant cold both inside and outside of him at this point.
He risked a glance over at the lady who was there originally, eyes widening as she smiled at him. Giving a far-to-friendly wave of hello with a wide, open-mouthed smile. Thick droplets of slime oozed out the side of her mouth as she did so, despite having not eaten any when he was here, at least as far as he could see. Arch would groan softly as he spat out more slime. Even as he shut his eyes, he felt himself simply ballooning with more of the stuff, as if it was multiplying inside of him, the growing weight pulling more and more strain on his arms as he wobbled from the extra weight. The sludge he had ingested growing and multiplying inside him; ballooning his frame up as if it was weird, jello-y fat instead of being inflated.