Starbound Mod Mod: Mod Fatties

You can see how the human chest/legs have their own lua files. You have to create those to make the items show up in-game. It will be easy enough to just copy the human files and move them to the fattylamia folder, and rename “fattyhumanchest” to “fattylamiachest” etc.

Ok, still new to the modding, so excuse me for my ignorance lol, but the .chest/.legs files in fact ARE the .lua files?

Again, excuse me for not knowing lol.

OH found my problem lol, for some reason, the “fattylamia” file needs to be in the “bigfatties” mod rather than the “modfattiesraces” folder! Yay! Thanks for the help!

A suggestion Steam Workshop::Selachii Reloaded

If the Viera compatibility thing is a separate patch, could anyone lead me to it? I can’t seem to find it myself.

Here ya go. =w=

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So just out of curiosity, is anyone working on any sprites for gnolls currently? I’ve tried to get my own work done on them but I have absolutely 0 idea what I’m doing (or how the sprites for the gnoll race work), and I don’t know if I will to be honest. If anyone wants to help though (or is already working on making sprites for the gnolls), let me know.

I don’t know if anyone is still taking race request but I do have a few I’d like to add:

Omen: Steam Workshop::The Omen Race Mod

Alrune: Steam Workshop::The Alrune Race

Fragment of Ruin: Steam Community :: Error

Sergal: Steam Workshop::Sergal Race Mod Langy's Branch

I’d happily do it myself if there’s tutorial on how to code the support into the game.

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I have a lil’ question, would someone work on the re-sprite of the Blob and Blob-end size of the Familliar Races? Because the person who designated the model did not apply correctly!

see yourself!

and its se same thing for the Male Vers., and I’m not talking about arms either!

if someone would be in the process of finishing the sprite (s), it would be good …

(PS : this is not a request.)

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Yeah, if we can get a tutorial that’d be absolutely amazing. I’d love to contribute for custom races that others might not be able to do, I just don’t know how to execute it.

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There’s a good video for teaching the basics of creating your own mod. Starbound Modding Tutorial: Getting Started - YouTube

Just follow along and you’ll learn how assets and modding work for starbound. To edit sprites, you’re gonna need a photo editing software like Photoshop or GIMP, and you’ll need to go through the big fatties mod files for templates.


What files/race should I be looking for when doing templates?


Quick edit because it limits me to 3 posts, but for the gnoll sprite I don’t know what I’m looking at and how I should transfer the textures from the gnoll sprite to the human template. Could someone help me out with figuring that process out?

Here’s the link for the unpacked gnolls addon:

Ok I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, I’ve decided it’s probably not best for me to put tons of time I don’t really have available working on this. There’s just too much to do and not enough time for me to do it, sorry.

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In the big fatties mod file, go to items/armors, then look through the files you find there to find the different weights for each race. (I use human as a template usually just because it tends to be easier)

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Person who did the Viera mod mod here. If anyone wants to take the reins on it, I won’t be upset. I just did a quick and dirty compatibility mod to be honest.

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is the lucario race complete already?, or is it still in development?, because im using a lucario pc and the color palette on him becomes completely wrong, once i start gaining weight, as if its not even complete, so whats going on?

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Hey, could someone compile all the current races with complete sprite sheets into a new .pak file? Thanks.

Would it be possible to make the Lard Golem capturable?

it is you just gotta download anycapture mod

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Wait, seriously? I’ll give it a look, then.