Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

Still, the badge shows on the hud that you are getting fatter, but the appearance isnt changing.
Or a messed up hard, or i found a bug.
I need to wear anithing special? Or just the badge?

You only need the Glutton Badge (make sure it’s in the back slot and not the cosmetic slot), it could just be that you’re not getting enough “calories” to see the changes? Try going to the Erchius Mining Facility and get hit a bunch, or craft a feeding tube to see if that was it.

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The thing is… I normaly test the mod (with admin) to see with everything is working. I already used even the cursed avian statue

a reinstalled the mod (for the 5 time) and it appears to be working now. I didn’t install the update this time…

I think I found a fix. Are you rewriting the Big Fatties mod with the Mod Fatties folder contents? If I do that it breaks the glutton badge and makes it so it wont apply a fatter body when your weight class increases. Instead, make a new file in your mod folder for the game and just call it Mod Fatties and place those contents inside it, make sure it is separate from the base mod Big Fatties and it seems to be working now.

Nice job! Though, for the mod you posted previously, I noticed lard is the same color as coconut milk. You’re probably never going to get coconut milk, but you still might want to change lard’s color to something else, just to be safe.

So, they have fat sprites now?

I used the fenerox race’s fat sprites as the base but yes, npcs and players will have the fat sprites properly color for those races.

Noice! Can’t wait for Slimes!

Thanks for the feedback, Lard color has been updated to be a very slightly off white yellow.

Woah! Real time updating! It’s like a chatroom!

just an idea, try to create a glutton badge that does not give you debuffs, the slow is really hardcore in some moments.
Oh and, do you have any plan to make the vanilla clothes (or even the most common ones) to automaticaly advance with your fat?Because right now it’s manual to change clothes depending oon how fat your character is.
os: sorry for my bad english

Making the clothes automatically apply isn’t gonna happen. It’s set to default to the nude body because it has to have some form of armor. And the template it uses makes it easy to adjust to any race, including modded races if someone adds support. But there’s no way to make it detect what you’re wearing and adjust to that. Though clothing shouldn’t be capable of stretching so far anyways.
As for the glutton badge, I feel like there’s something meaningless about it if that weight being packed on didn’t have… weight. The debuffs are there to stay. If I absolutely had to do something about it. It would likely just not be as severe. But just one thing sets your weight off rapidly to get you as slow and as big as possible. With the blob just outright not available with that version.


It’s pretty easy to change those values yourself if you know where they are.

Go to the Big Fatties mod folder then you go into:
The other gluttonbadgetracker.statuseffect file is for the badge that doesn’t lose weight by itself.

Open that file with any text editor like Notepad++

Then you will find the different sizes “thick”, “chubster” and so forth, under those you will find the stat modifying textlines, namely:

“movementModifiers”: {
“speedModifier”: 1,
“airJumpModifier”: 1

1 equals 100%, which would be normal speed, and 0.9 is 90% speed, which is of course slower, and 1.1 would be 110% which is faster and so forth. (Or higher or lower jump distances if you change that)

Make a backup of the original file if you don’t want to have to redownload the entire mod again if you mess up somewhere!


thanks man, like i said before, i’m new to this game.

Disclaimer: None of this would be possible without Dispatch’s awesome mod, unless they specify otherwise none of my modifications are officially supported, so only bother me about them.

Updated the race files to fix clipping issues with lucario race all sizes and peglaci blob size, there might still be minor issues but I did what I could.

Edit: Also fixed colors for Lyceen and arm clipping issues.

Disclaimer: None of this would be possible without Dispatch’s awesome mod, unless they specify otherwise none of my modifications are officially supported, so only bother me about them.

Finally figured out how to properly patch npc weapon pools, so now there shouldn’t be any conflicts with mods that change the default enemies. I also added a burst fire long range Lard Rifle.

As always, don’t put this inside the base Big Fatties mod.

Edit: Fixed NPC projectile issues and incorrect item spelling being added to npc weapon pool.


Disclaimer: None of this would be possible without Dispatch’s awesome mod, unless they specify otherwise none of my modifications are officially supported, so only bother me about them.

If anyone plays with Frackin Universe, since I learned to patch enemy files here is a mod that will add the fattening weapons to many of the Frackin Universe Enemies.

This mod requires Frackin Universe, Big Fatties, and Mod Fatties to work.

Edit: Fixed mispelling of an item being added to npcs because I am dumb

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First time posting here since I wanted to just come and ask:

If I want to participate and want to add fat sprites to existing races which this mod still has yet to support (currently looking at Eld’uukhar and Sergal atm), what do I need to do? I’d like to help, I just want to know the things needed in order to get to it.

There’s clearly been a misunderstanding. People have been making support for races but they are not being officially supported by this mod. If you wish to make versions of the fat armor to work with modded races to share that’s great. But they will never be added to the mod.