Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

Only interesting thing is making blob work. Or rather just making it be. It won’t be as viable as the fatty body. Barely able to move far, can’t jump, items on the ground are out of reach to pickup. It’s more so just for the fun of it.

You can’t even jump? Wow, that’s harsh. What is your favorite one out of these currently?

Probably the thick bodytype so far. Plump and blob still aren’t quite finished in looks atm, so thick has an unfair advantage right now. But I feel like I got the legs just right.


Is there a place to follow all the updates on things such as armor conversions, and other forms of progress on the mod?

Also, I’m really glad to hear that this is still being updated, it’s one of my favorite mods in ANY game! :grin:

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I was just wondering if there is any way to get the fat outfit bag item to work with custom races.
Is there any simple way to apply it to a race myself? I’ve manually recolored the armors myself but I am just curious if there is an easier way.

The fat bags work by identifying a certain kind of armor. It’ll also check the race of your player and if there’s an armor set of its kind. So for example “chubsterlegs” and “chubsterchest” for the chubster bag. If a new armor set is created with the proper naming, it’ll work for that race too. So anyone is capable of getting use out of the bags for custom races if they so desire and can make them.

Hey quick question
Where do you get the new armors?
I been looking everywhere but i cant find them

So which of the modern weights do you now like the most?

  • Thick Weight
  • Chubby Weight
  • Plump Weight
  • Fat Weight
  • Blob Weight

0 voters

Currently being worked on still. This was just an update that I’ve started working on the mod again and what the update will be about. It won’t be too long of a wait at least. The thick body is already done, plump is very close. So it’s mostly the blob body that’s left.

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Oh. I’m very interested in playing as the blob size first to see what it plays like, but I’ll probably settle on the plump weight.

Not those i mean the actual armor for the current version of the mod

All the armors should be available from the weightscale.

That would mean the weight scale’s tabs would be changed right? They can’t be separated into multiple categories for a single weight level unless there can be more than five tabs.

Since it’s relevant, yeah the weightscale is just slightly changed for the update.

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I assume the first tab is for badges, the second for the outfits for fatness, and the rest for each weight class. I see a problem, there’s only six tabs, which means one of the weight classes are put into another one’s weight classes. How are you dealing with this?

Blob is just not going to get any armor support. At least on my end. It’s such a large size that it’s hard to imagine clothing being made for it.

Oh. Makes sense. That would explain the missing tab. Anything else you want to tell us?

Two things, though not made by me but someone who’d rather remain anonymous. A special type of badge where weight gain is dynamic to how much is eaten, at the cost of the armor slots. And a squirt gun capable of fattening npcs. And any player including yourself if said special badge is equiped. The fattening npcs aspect is what gave me motivation to work on these new body types in the first place.


Oh interesting. How did you implement that weight gain badge? I can actually gradually gain weight as I play? That’s a whole new level to the mod, one that I didn’t expect to even have.

Like I said, not my work but someone else’s. But yeah now weight can be dynamic. Albeit at the cost of the armor slot. As vanity slot can’t be used for it.

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